How To Get Rid of Spiders

How to Get Rid of Spiders

How to get rid of spiders

Some people might joke that the only way to deal with spiders is to pack your bags or set your house on fire. But don’t worry, you don’t have to go that far to get rid of these creepy crawlers—although you should act fast to prevent more of them from coming in. Here are some tips on how to keep your home spider-free.

What attracts spiders to my home?

If you want to keep spiders away from your home and yard, you need to know what attracts them in the first place. The most obvious reason is insects, which are the main food for spiders. Spiders will follow their prey into your home and yard, looking for a meal. But insects are not the only thing that can lure spiders to your place. Other factors that can make your home and yard more appealing to spiders are fruit, warmth, water, darkness and more. Let’s take a look at each of these factors and how you can reduce them to deter spiders.

What to should I do If I see a spider?

Spiders can be helpful in your garden, as they eat other bugs that might harm your plants. But, when they sneak into your house, they’re not so welcome. Even if you see just one spider, you should be careful, because it might have friends or family hiding somewhere. Spiders can lay eggs in your house, and those eggs can hatch hundreds or even thousands of baby spiders. You don’t want to share your home with that many creepy crawlies, do you? Spiders won’t damage your house like termites, but they can make it look messy and scary with their webs and droppings.

When is spiders dangerous?

Hey, do you know what to do if you spot a dangerous spider in your home? Most spiders are harmless, but there are two kinds that you should watch out for: the Black Widow and the Brown Recluse. These spiders have venom that can cause serious health problems, so you need to be careful.

The Black Widow is easy to recognize by its shiny black body and red hourglass mark on its belly. The Brown Recluse is harder to spot, but it has a brown color and a violin-shaped mark on its head. These spiders like warm places, so they are more common in the South. If you see one of them, don’t try to catch it or kill it yourself. Call a professional who knows how to deal with them safely.

If you get bitten by a spider, don’t panic. Get medical help as soon as possible. While you wait, wash the wound with soap and water, put some ice on it and keep it raised. This will help reduce the pain and swelling. Remember, most spider bites are not life-threatening, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Safety precautions when getting rid of spiders.

If you have a spider problem, you might be tempted to buy one of those repellents that promise to get rid of them fast. But before you spray your home with chemicals, you should know that some of them can be harmful to your pets and your family, especially if they touch your kitchen surfaces.

These repellents might work well for serious spider infestations, but they are not the only option. There are also natural ways to keep spiders away without risking your health. Read on to find out more.

Natural Methods on Getting rid of spiders

Getting rid of spiders naturally can be an effective and environmentally friendly approach. Here are some natural methods to keep spiders at bay:

1. **Peppermint Oil:**

Spiders detest the strong scent of peppermint. Create a spider-repelling spray by mixing a few drops of peppermint essential oil with water in a spray bottle. Spritz this mixture around windows, doors, and other entry points. Reapply regularly to maintain the scent barrier.

2. **Vinegar:**

White vinegar is a versatile and inexpensive solution for keeping spiders away. Mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle and apply it to spider-prone areas. The acidity of vinegar disrupts spiders’ ability to navigate, making your home less appealing to them.

3. **Citrus Peels:**

Save your citrus peels, such as those from lemons or oranges, and place them strategically around your home. Spiders dislike the strong citrus scent, and this can act as a natural deterrent. Replace the peels regularly to ensure their effectiveness.

4. **Cedarwood:**

Cedarwood has natural insect-repelling properties, and spiders are no exception. Use cedar blocks, chips, or essential oil in areas where spiders are commonly found. Cedar closets or chests can also serve a dual purpose by keeping your clothes fresh and spider-free.

5. **Diatomaceous Earth:**

Diatomaceous earth is a fine powder made from fossilized algae. Sprinkle this powder in areas where spiders are likely to crawl, such as corners and entry points. The abrasive texture of diatomaceous earth damages the spiders’ exoskeleton, leading to dehydration and ultimately, their demise.

6. **Lemon Eucalyptus Oil:**

Lemon eucalyptus oil contains compounds that act as a natural insect repellent. Mix a few drops with water and use it to wipe down surfaces or create a spray for application in spider-prone areas. This method is effective and leaves a refreshing scent behind.

7. **Tobacco Spray:**

If you can get your hands on some chewing tobacco, it can be an effective solution. Soak a few tobacco leaves or a plug of chewing tobacco in water overnight. Strain the mixture and dilute it with more water if necessary. Spray the tobacco-infused water around your home to deter spiders.

8. **Baking Soda:**

Baking soda can help keep spiders away and eliminate them if they come into contact with it. Sprinkle baking soda in areas where spiders are likely to travel, such as along baseboards or behind furniture. Vacuum up the baking soda after a day or two.

9. **Chestnuts:**

Believe it or not, some people swear by the natural spider-repelling properties of chestnuts. Place a few chestnuts around your home, particularly in corners and windowsills. It’s thought that spiders dislike the compounds found in chestnuts.

10. **Maintain a Tidy Garden:**

If you have a garden or outdoor space, keeping it well-maintained can contribute to a spider-free home. Trim back overgrown vegetation, remove debris, and avoid stacking wood close to your house, as these are all places spiders like to hide.

Remember, consistency is key when using natural methods to repel spiders. Rotate and combine these techniques for the best results, and you’ll be well on your way to a spider-free living space.

When should I call an exterminator?

Spiders can be scary, but you don’t have to call a pro every time you see one. It’s normal to have a few spiders around, but you should keep an eye out for more. You don’t want your home to become a spider hotspot, do you?
Luckily, the experts know how to deal with spider problems. They understand how spiders live and what they eat, so they can use the right products to get rid of them. Robert Allen, the owner of Truly Green Pest Control in Kansas City, Mo says that spiders can also be a sign of other pests in your home. Spiders are good for your garden because they eat other bugs that can harm your plants. But if they are in your house, it means they have something to munch on there too.
Allen says that you need to find out what is attracting the spiders to your home and eliminate it. Otherwise, you might kill some spiders but not solve the problem. More spiders will come back if there are still other pests around. Robert Allen says that you need a proper diagnosis to get rid of spiders for good.

What You Need To Know About A Black Widow Spider

What you Need To Know About Black Widow Spiders

Black widow spiders are well known for their red markings and feared for their venom, yet they really have a tendency to avoid people, and their bites seldom result in death. Although these spiders may make people uncomfortable, their managed presence can really benefit the home and its surroundings. discover out more about black widow spider identification, what to do if you discover one, and how to stop infestations in your house.


Black Widow Spiders: What Are They?

Latrodectus is the scientific name for this species of spider, which is more often known as the black widow. Arachnids may all be recognized by their eight legs and absence of antennae. The thorax is located in the front of their bodies, and the abdomen is located in the back.


What Do Black Widow Spiders Look Like?

Even though they are not normally visible from the outside, black widow spiders are usually rather simple to spot. An mature female black widow is about 1.5 inches long, with a shiny, black body and a rounded belly. Her abdomen typically has marks in the shape of an hourglass that are typically red but can also be orange, yellow, or even white.

Black widow spiders are actually highly colorful as youngsters, but as the female spider ages, the colors all fade to black save for the red markings, which eventually take on the shape of an hourglass. (One of our Hawx team members has observed red-spotted Black Widow Spiders in their place.)

Black widow males lack the hourglass pattern, are smaller, gray or brown in color, and have red or pink spots instead. The male spider is relatively solitary and is not frequently observed by people.


Where Do Black Widow Spiders Live?

Although some are found in the northern states as well, black widow spiders are primarily found in the south and west of the United States. They flourish in urban or suburban environments, meadows, deserts, and woodlands. Black widow spiders prefer to be close to human habitations because at night, the lights of the home draw insects that serve as their prey.

These spiders can be found in dark, quiet places, but they can also slither into places you wouldn’t expect, like a pair of abandoned gardening gloves. Black widows are most frequently encountered near your home in situations like:

Bundles of wood
leaves or brush heaps
shed or garage corners
between stray rocks or stones
crawl spaces and basements that are rarely disturbed
Behind flowerpots
gloves for gardening inside
Throughout boots or shoes
Around and between outdoor trash cans
What Foods Consume Black Widow Spiders?
In an environment where they have access to food, a black widow spider can live for one to three years. To capture their prey, these creatures create webs. The webs don’t resemble the orb spiders’ symmetrical webs. In contrast, the webs appear twisted and disorganized.

The web is a trap for prey, which can be any of the following:

Grasshoppers, Flies
small snakes, lizards, or vertebrates
The prey is stunned by a black widow spider bite before being injected with poison to render it paralyzed. The insect is then carried off by the spider to be eaten.

Despite the black widow spider’s well-known reputation for mating, consuming, or even killing her partner, this doesn’t always happen. In reality, it takes place in only 2% of black widow spider mating situations. The guy typically bolts off right away after mating. However, as soon as they hatch, newborn spiders have the ability to consume their siblings.


What Signs Point to a Black Widow’s Web?

Many other spiders’ clean geometric forms are not visible in a black widow’s web. Typically, the bugs create tangled, asymmetrical webs. Due to the unusual shape of the webbing, you could initially believe that you are viewing a web that has been partially damaged or destroyed.

The web’s location can also offer hints. Typically, black widows like to construct their webs near to the ground.


What Attracts The Black Widow?

Black widows frequent areas with food sources. Black widows are therefore more prone to settle in homes and flats where there are infestations of flies, ants, gnats, fleas, and other pests.

If black widows discover dim, concealed spaces within, they are more inclined to stay. They prefer the warmer areas of a house.


Why are There So Many Black Widows Around My House?

If there are a lot of black widow spiders in your home, there are probably lots of hidden dark spaces where other pests can hide. Furniture and gardening equipment can be considered clutter. If you leave wood piles unsecured or have leaves and grass clippings in your yard, spiders are more likely to come to your property. Black widows may also be drawn to decaying stumps left over from tree removal.


Are Black Widows Dangerous?

Although black widow spiders are not often aggressive toward people, they may bite if they feel threatened, such as if someone unintentionally enters their territory and disturbs them.

Black widow spider venom has been determined to be 15 times more potent than rattlesnake venom, gram for gram (fortunately, the amount that would enter your system is far lower than that from a rattlesnake bite). Although black widow bites seldom result in fatalities, they can nevertheless have effects on people.


venomus spider
Finding a Black Widow Spider: What to Do

There are probably additional black widow spiders around if you locate one on your property. Black widow spiders move quickly, especially if they perceive a threat. Although you can attempt vacuuming the spider up or using an insecticide spray, hiring a reputable pest control firm is the safest course of action.

Fill any gaps near the foundation of your home where they might enter with foam or caulk. Maintain a clean environment and remove any food that may attract insects from the kitchen and other locations. As there won’t be any prey inside, this will also keep black widow spiders out.

Other advice for avoiding black widows is as follows:

reducing clutter and hiding areas for spiders
Away from the house, away from the firewood
examining garden debris or indoor plants in pots before taking them inside
What to Do About Black Widow Eggs?
Don’t attempt to remove black widow eggs by yourself if you come across any. The best course of action for dealing with eggs is to get in touch with a pest control business right away.

Licensed pest control specialists can safely treat spider eggs before they hatch using products and tools. Some of these remedies might also aid in the local black widow adult population’s eradication.


How To Get Rid of Black Widows

In order to prevent black widow spiders from unintentionally harming people, it is best to contact a reputable pest control company like Truly Green Pest Control because these arachnids can bite and become aggressive when threatened. Regular chores and inspections performed by a professional spider control agency help to control a black widow spider infestation and safeguard your property from future infestations.

How To Get Rid of Spiders?

Brown Recluse Bites

How to get rid of spiders is not that hard to accomplish for your home. Spiders are beneficial to our environment. They often prey on insects around your home such as mosquitoes, fleas and flies. However, beneficial are not, you do not want to share your home with the arachnids and their messy webs. We will discuss how to prevent spiders from getting access to your home and identifying the two most dangerous spiders in United States.

When Spiders Become Dangerous?

A spider hangs in a web.

Spiders can be beneficial in the yard or garden by keeping the insect population down, particularly ones that can spread disease, such as mosquitoes, flies, fleas and roaches. In addition, spiders are even known to kill and eat other spiders. 

  • Spiders breed throughout their life cycle and just one spider egg sac can contain anywhere from 100 to 3,000 eggs. If the egg sac hatches inside the house, you may wind up with a population of spiders making themselves at home. 
  • Different from numerous insects and household pests, spiders cause no permanent structural damage, and the majority of don’t cause any type of health threat. The majority of types in North America do not bite until threatened. Although rare, their spider bites can cause a skin reaction on some individuals.
  •  With the 1000s of arachnid species, there’s only 2 that are both dangerous and aggressive to people: the brown recluse spider and the black widow spider. 

Safety: If you suspect you’ve received a black widow or brown recluse spider bite, seek medical attention immediately. 

How Identify a Black Widow

A black widow spider.

Black widow spiders can be identified through the following traits. 

  • Where climates are warm you will have black widows. 
  • You can find them in the attic, basement and closets.
  • Varieties that are black with red hourglass or found in southern regions. 
  • Varieties that are black or dark brown with rows of spots (red, yellow or white) down the middle of the abdomen are found In Northern regions
  • Black widows have a painful bite that attacks the nervous system. 
  • Bite symptoms are usually present within the hour and often consist of extreme muscle cramps, abdominal pain, tiredness and shaking. They also can include nausea, vomiting, faintness, wooziness, chest pain and trouble breathing. 
  • Request medical help after you’ve been bitten by a black widow. Listed here first aid procedures can relieve symptoms and stop infection in the short term: Wash the bite wound with soap and water; raise the location; and apply a cold washrag or ice bag to the area

How to Identify Brown Recluse Spiders

A brown recluse spider.

Brown recluse spiders have distinct traits to help identify and how to get rid of brown recluse spiders

  • Brown Recluse are found in warm climates mostly in southern parts of states
  • Brown Recluse can be found in shoes, attics, clothing, sinks, in wood piles and areas where they are not disturbed. 
  • They have a violin shape on the back of their head and come in tan to dark brown colors.
  • Their bite is highly toxic which can cause damage to the skin and tissues. 
  • Bits can cause nausea, vomiting, itching and muscle pain. Symptoms can emerge after 6 hours.  
  • Request medical help after you’ve been bitten by a black widow. Listed here first aid procedures can relieve symptoms and stop infection in the short term: Wash the bite wound with soap and water; raise the location; and apply a cold washrag or ice bag to the area.

How to Get Rid of Spiders in the House

A spider trap hangs under a piece of furniture.

There are a number of effective, lethal methods of indoor spider control

  • Spider traps are an effective way to getting rid of spiders. Foggers are not effective for spider control. Natural remedies such as essential oils may deter spiders.
  • Glue boards may be effective against spiders as long as the numbers are not of infestation. They are very cost effective and is the natural pest control category.
  • Aerosol spider sprays can be effective but will leave residues on floor and baseboards. This technique is not kid and pet friendly.
  • Natural spider repellent is a natural way to fend off spiders but comes at a higher cost and multiple applications. The upside is it’s safe for kids and pets. 

Natural Spider Repellents

A person applies a line of diatomaceous earth along a wall.

If you like natural repellents, then consider a few alternatives to toxic pesticides such as these:

  • Diatomaceous Earth: Spiders skin can dry out and become lacerated which cause dehydration. Place DE in hard-to-reach areas and away from children and pets. You can also dust the exterior of the home such as doorways to keep spiders from coming in. 
  • Peppermint oil: Spiders hate the smell of peppermint and will relocate away from the scent. Use cotton balls to place in corners where spiders live. 20 drops of peppermint oil to 32-ounce spray bottle filled with water. Spray mixture into corners for best results. Eucalyptus oil acts the same way as peppermint oil. 
  • Vinegar: Vinegar has an acetic acid which burns the spider. Mix equal with water and white vinegar.  
  • Baking soda, lemon juice with a tobacco will also help get rid of spiders. 

Safety: When applying diatomaceous earth, always read the label. Do not place on open counters spaces where it is accessible to dishes, children or pets. 

Other Natural Spider Repellents

A person slides a sheet of paper under a glass containing a spider to transport it outdoors.

Some of the best ways to keep nonvenomous spiders from getting into your house is applying these tips: 

  • If you like pets, cats are idea for hunting and keeping spiders at bay. 
  • The force of a vacuum cleaner suction is enough to kill a spider instantly. Use a vacuum cleaner regularly. 
  • One way to get the spider back to its environment where it does us all good is to place a cup over the spider and slide paper under the cup and take the spider back to its habitat. However, before you do this, make sure you identify what you are trapping to avoid being bit by a brown recluse or black widow. 

Safety: If you identify a brown recluse or black widow you should immediately kill it if it is in your home. The damage it causes to you could be permanent or death. 

Prevention Methods for Spiders

A person uses a push broom to sweep up a cobweb.

Preventive measures to rid your home of spiders requires maintenance that removes flies or roaches. Spiders prey on these insects for survival. If your home has these then you are most likely to have spiders.

  • Make sure you keep a tidy house. A clean house eliminates spider hiding places.  
  • When cleaning, be sure to remove spider webs and egg sacs. One egg sac can produce up-to 300 spiders. 
  • Make sure to seal food into containers. If not, you will attract roaches or ants. If you attract those, then spiders will follow. Spiders like insects.  
  • A cluttered house will give spiders plenty of hiding places. Under cloths, books and just junk laying around.  
  • Use the appropriate pesticide to battle your spider problem if necessary. Truly Green Pest Control offers natural treatments for your home. Go natural as possible.

There are preventative measures for outdoors to keep spiders out of your home. 

  • Look for entrances on the structure of your home. Places like window seals door sweeps and dry ducts. 
  • Use caulk around pipes, wires, faucets and electrical wiring that come into your home. 
  • Make sure screens in windows are fixed and doors seal tightly. 
  • Use a yellow low sodium light. Low lighting will not attract a buffet of pest that spiders can enjoy. Less bugs around the lights less spiders to enter your home. 
  • Trim bushes and shrubs at least 8 ft from your home. Trees, shrubs, and ivy is a coverage for insects of all kinds. Spiders depend on bad landscaping to help harbor their food. 

Spiders have a combination of indoor and outdoor spider control.  If you follow the above tips, you will be successful in keeping spiders out of your home. You will be able to identify the dangerous spiders and replace the non-venomous spiders back to their environment.

How to Get Rid of Brown Recluse Spiders

How to Get Rid of Brown Recluse

Spiders in Kansas City Truly Green Pest Control


Spiders are one of the most feared insects according to polls collected across the country. The reality is that spiders help us keep other crop destroying and house invading insects away/ they are our protectors. So why don’t we want them around? A brown recluse can lay up to 50 eggs with each able to produce many spider babies.  On top of that good news…they can inflict a dangerous bite that could cause a large legion on your skin.  Here are some ways to help keep these critters from infesting your home.


What do Brown Recluse look like?


If you are in Kansas and Missouri, then you probably have seen your fair share of brown recluse’s.  You may have seen them in other parts of the country, but Missouri and Kansas are the hot bed for these types of spiders. Brown recluse has distinct markings on its back. If you look closely then you will notice a shape of a violin on the back. We also call this spider the fiddle back. It has six eyes, and solid colored, spineless legs. 

Clean Your Home

Brown recluse has a name that means they are recluse in nature. They eat and they hide. It hides in dark places like your closet, shoes, cabinets, or even furnace room. The best way to make sure you don’t have brown recluse is to clean on a regular basis. Try not to clutter closets with clothes crammed in corners. Be careful in removing items from closets without a flashlight. The flashlight can be your best friend.  Once you have cleaned your home, develop a routine to place clothes in hangers and shoes stacked neatly vs piles of clothing and shoes in a a corner. Take it one step further by inspecting your exterior for entrances near your windows, garage, and backdoors. Caulking could be your best friend when it comes to sealing these critters out. Remove leaves in corners and gutters. Sounds like a lot of work.

What Kills Brown Recluse

Of course, you can use poisons to kill spiders, but that won’t be Truly Green Pest Control would it. However, some spiders are not to be played with when they invade our territory. There are a lot of methods out there. Some of the most natural and effective way to kill spiders include monitor traps, dust and repellents. 

  • Glue boards are very effective. As long as you placed them in safe places to avoid your animals. It is a funny site when your pet tries to shake the glue board of their paws. 
  • Diatomaceous Earth made from fossilized remains of diatoms has an effect on spiders and insects by slicing their bodies and causing them to dry out. Always read the label
  • Insecticides will kill on contact. However, you must directly spray them. If you choose that method, try vinegar instead.

New Spider Species In Miami

Pine Rockland trapdoor spider

New Species Spider In Miami

Pine Rockland trapdoor spiderSpiders are one of the creepiest insects on earth.  They come in all shapes and sizes.  Some hairy and some with no hair.  Most are not harmless and on the other side the ones that are not harmless can inflict a potentially fatal bite.   Well, just as we have identified most of the species of spiders, there is a new one that looks like a tarantula, shiny, black and small.  It has a bite that will be painful much like a bee sting.  Pine Rockland trapdoor spider the spider was found by a zookeeper in Zoo Miami in Florida. 

What Does It Look Like?

These spiders are in two different sizes. The male is smaller than the female.  The female can be quite larger than the male. This Spider smaller than the famous tarantulas and about the size of an American quarter.  The male size is similar to the half dollar coin.  So, imagine the female two or three times larger.  Ummidia species is a trapdoor spider.  These spiders are like other spiders. They wait on their prey to cross its path. They live in burrows beneath the soil.  The trapdoor venom can turn its prey insides to liquid. When the spider bites a human, it equivalents to a bee sting. The Trapdoor spider does not track prey. It waits for the prey to come by and pounce on the prey when it’s in front of them. Like most spiders use webs, these particular spiders use burrows for their home. These types of spiders do not move around to different locations. They can live in the same location, the same burrows for decades.  Female Pine Rockland trapdoor spiders have a very long-life span. 20 years for the female and 7 to 8 years for the male.   

Spiders in Your Kansas City Home

brown Recluse in your home

Spiders In Your Home

Its not a fun subject to people but spiders are on their way to your home. Spiders can be beneficial to our environment and  on the other hand they can be very dangerous. Spiders are hunters of other insects. If you start to see spiders in your home you may have problems with other insects in your home. Keeping spiders out of your home will also help you keep other insects out of your home as well. 

black widow spider crawling in home

Most Common House Spiders

To put you at ease, most spiders are harmless.  All spiders have venom and fangs, however, only a few can inflict harmful injuries to humans as well at to animals.  You see Black widows and brown recluses often, however, they very rarely attack and bite. They are usually hunters by night.  People usually get bitten when they venture onto these spiders territory by accident. When there are presence of spider webs all over your exterior, that is an indication that there is plenty of insect food for the spiders, are else, the spiders would not be there. Spiders are signals that the pest infestation of your home can get worse. Spiders hunt, other insects hunt them, and the cycle continues.  This is why it is important to get Truly Green Pest Control involved as soon as possible for preventive measures. 

Why & How Spiders Enter Homes

Remember spiders are hunters. They prey on other insects for food source. It has nothing to do with what we do. Our presence does not attract them to us. However, other insects enter our home on the regular looking for e food.  Spiders are smart. They know the other insects that scrounge for food will cross their path.  Don’t think the cold will kill them off.  Spiders can survive the cold. Other insects cannot survive the cold as easily as spiders. Spiders, circulatory system can help them resist freezing.  Spiders hang out in the voids of your walls and wait patiently as other insect cross their path. The spiders will begin to multiply and venture out into the open as they mature in your home.  It certainly beneficial to make sure you have pest control in the cold months ahead. 

Always take Precaution With Spiders 

The best way to battle spiders is to be preventive. Always let a professional handle spider infestations for your safety.  Follow the tips below to keep spiders out of your Kansas City Home. Try the following:  

  • Storing Food: Spiders are not attracted to you.  They are attracted to the roaches, and ants that eat the crumbs in your covenant.
  • Storing Trash: Trash is a great attractant for all insects, including spiders. Tidy up your trash areas.
  • Sealing Cracks: Exclusion is still the best way to keep pest out of your home. Look for openings that tiny pest can get through. 

Just Do This: Get Professional Help

The main thing when dealing with pest is to know what pest you are dealing with. You may encounter all kind of DYI products.  However, pest can act differently and not go as planned as you try to eliminated them yourself.  With that said, you can enter a pest cycle that you do not want. You start out with pest in the kitchen, and suddenly, they spread to various rooms through out your home our business. Pest reproduce fast and have a never ending cycle.  This is the reason you need a professional pest control company to take care of your pest.   Truly Green Pest Control technicians can help clean your home of spiders naturally and organically.  

contact truly green pest control today! 816-377-2811

Common Spiders in Kansas City

Wolf Spiders

Common Spider In Kansas And Missouri

Wolf Spiders 

Wolf Spiders in Kansas City

Wolf spiders can chase down their prey with excellent speed and vision. Also, when they don’t run after their prey, they can idle for a moment and attack a prey as it goes buy. They are not web spinners like most spiders. They have speed and hunting skills, like climbing and jumping pretty high.  Just like a cat, when you shine a light in the wolf spider eyes, they will reflect back at you. They possess excellent vision.








Size: 1 inch

Color: Brown-gray to dark brown

Body Structure: Features eight legs that are equally as long as its body and eight eyes situated in two rows on its head.

Characteristics:  Dark locations that are secluded is the prefered location for laying  over 100 eggs. She then will spin a soft silk, globe-like sac all around the eggs, that she next connects to spinnerets on the lower abdominal areas, carrying the sac with her as she moves. Depending upon environmental temperatures, eggs may hatch out inside of 2 weeks or gestation may take several months. Whenever eggs are ready to hatch, the female will likely split open the sac, freeing the young. When they’re discharged from the sac, the young climb onto the mother’s abdominal areas, where she will continue to care for them for approximately a month. A short while later, the young leave the caretaker by “ballooning,” which involves launching a stream of silk using their spinnerets into the air and then letting the breeze to haul them to a new location, or possibly by simply falling to the ground. The wolf spider, the biggest of the species, is known for its speed, heightened sense of touch, and keen sense of sight.

Commonly Active: Spring / Summer / Fall



Unlike other spiders, wolf spiders do not nest in webs; rather, they reside in deep burrows under the ground. Wolf spiders are hunters, going after prey at night as opposed to capturing food in a web. The wolf spider can be found burrowing in a number of habitats, from forest floors to around garden shrubs. Wolf spiders tend to be skittish and will scurry away in lieu of biting an aggressor. Likewise, they may rear up on their hind legs, showing their fangs as a defense technique. Rarely do wolf spiders bite unless thoroughly provoked.


Sealing cracks around your home, as well as caulking gaps around doors, windows, and eaves, may prevent wolf spiders from making their way indoors. More of a nuisance than a dangerous pest, the wolf spider is a natural predator to other more menacing pests such as mosquitoes. However, if you are experiencing a large number of spiders around your home and are having a difficult time positively identifying the species, contact a pest control professional before attempting a do-it-yourself pest control treatment. Find out more about spider control for your home.






Orb Weaver Spider

Orb weaver spiders have 8 eyes and enormous midsections that are typically globe-formed. These arachnids fabricate more mind-boggling networks of webs than other spiders, however they have a bit of leeway – while most spiders have 2 clawers for every foot, orb weavers have 3. They utilize their additional claw to help control the silk strings, as they make their spider webs. Their spider webs, which are utilized to get food and send mating signals, can range up to 2 feet in size. In the same way as other different bugs, orb weavers eat their spider web before modifying them.

Jumping Spiders

Regarded by numerous individuals to be the cutest creepy crawlies because of their enormous eyes, jumping arachnids are about the size of a dime and are dark, dark, or in some cases splendidly shaded. Two little eyes section two enormous eyes that rest in the focal point of their rectangular heads. Those two fundamental eyes have a capacity like telescopes. Their eyes are fundamentally simply fixed focal points, and a long cylinder stretches out down from those eyes. This cylinder is loaded up with a fluid or some likeness thereof that we don’t thoroughly understand, yet it makes light bend, basically working as a second lens.

The Brown Recluse

On the off chance that you see a fiddle, banjo, or jug in strong brown colored, you’re likely in the presence of a brown recluse which caution should be exercised. Brown recluse spiders will not come after you, however, if you stumble upon it, you most likely get bit. Another way is accidentally laying on a garment that the recluse is lodged on. If your home has a history of Brown recluse, make sure you shake out your shoes, or clothes to rid the spider.

Cellar Spiders

Spider Webs left by cellar arachnids add to their status as irritation pest. Where numerous species spiders devour old spider web before turning another one, cellar spiders keep on adding to existing networks. Spotting erratic webbing, particularly in corners, demonstrates the nearness of cellar spiders. Most cellar spiders will be in dark, quiet, locations.

Prevention Tips for Spiders

To keep spiders out of your Kansas City home, you must do two things. First, seal your home so they have a harder time getting inside. Second, reduce attractants, not just for spiders but also for the other insects they invade to hunt. To do this, here are some prevention tips our experts recommend.

  • Make sure your doors have no gaps and screens no tears.
  • Seal gaps around plumbing and electrical from exterior with caulk.
  • Doors with gaps, place door sweeps at the base.
  • Replace weather stripping if they are not in good order.
  • Clean up food and water messes as they occur around your home.
  • Make sure foods are in good, sealed containers.
  • Fix gutters, leaks, and moisture issues to prevent pest from harboraging.
  • Pay close attention to pet areas. Make sure their food is sealed as well.


Finally, if you have tried all the solution tips and you don’t want to deal with dangerous spiders, Call Truly Green Pest Control.


We have plenty of spider men for you…816-377-2811



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