How To Get Rid Of Silverfish In My House

Siverfish In My House and How to Get Rid of Them

How to get rid of silverfish bug

How to get rid of silverfish! Today I’m going to talk about a creepy-crawly that you might have seen in your home or office: the silverfish bug. What are these little critters, and should you be worried about them? Read on to find out!


What is The silverfish bug?

A silverfish bug is a small, wingless insect that belongs to the order Zygentoma. They have long antennae, six legs, and three tail-like appendages at the end of their abdomen. They are usually gray or silver in color, hence their name. They can grow up to 2 cm in length, and they can live for up to eight years.

What do Silverfish look like?

Silverfish bugs have a flattened, oval-shaped body that is covered with scales. They have two compound eyes, but no simple eyes. They have mouthparts that are adapted for chewing, and they feed on various kinds of carbohydrates, such as starch, sugar, cellulose, and glue. They can also eat protein-rich foods, such as dead insects, hair, and dandruff.

What are the signs of silverfish infestations?

Silverfish bugs are nocturnal and secretive, so you might not see them very often. However, there are some signs that can indicate their presence in your home or office. These include:


– Yellowish stains or holes on paper, books, wallpaper, clothing, or other items that contain starch or cellulose.

– Shed skins or scales that look like tiny dust particles.

– Fecal pellets that are black and cylindrical in shape.

– Silverfish trails that are irregular and zigzagging on the surface of the infested items.

Preventing and Controlling Silverfish infestations

If you want to prevent or control silverfish infestations, you need to make your environment less favorable for them. Here are some tips that can help you do that:


– Reduce the humidity and moisture levels in your home or office by using dehumidifiers, fans, or air conditioners. Silverfish bugs thrive in humid and damp places, such as bathrooms, basements, attics, and kitchens.

– Seal any cracks or gaps in your walls, floors, ceilings, windows, or doors that can serve as entry points for silverfish bugs. You can use caulk, silicone, or weather stripping to do this.

– Store your paper, books, clothing, and other items that contain starch or cellulose in airtight containers or plastic bags. You can also use cedar chips or lavender sachets to repel silverfish bugs from your belongings.

– Vacuum your carpets, rugs, furniture, and floors regularly to remove any silverfish bugs, eggs, skins, or feces that might be hiding there.

– Use insecticides or natural remedies to kill or deter silverfish bugs. You can spray or dust boric acid, diatomaceous earth, pyrethrin, or permethrin on the areas where you suspect silverfish bugs are hiding. You can also use traps that contain sticky glue or bait to catch them. Alternatively, you can use natural substances that silverfish bugs hate, such as cinnamon, cloves, citrus peels, bay leaves, or cucumber slices.


Are Silverfish a Bug can Hurt You?

Silverfish bugs are not dangerous to humans or pets. They do not bite or sting, and they do not transmit any diseases. However, some people might be allergic to their scales or feces and experience skin rashes or respiratory problems. If you have an allergic reaction to silverfish bugs, you should consult your doctor for treatment.

Are Silverfish Harmful to Property?

Silverfish bugs can be harmful to your property because they can damage your paper, books,

clothing, wallpaper, and other items that contain starch or cellulose. They can also ruin your photos,

paintings, documents, and other valuable items by leaving yellowish stains or holes on them. If you have

a severe silverfish infestation in your home or office, you might end up losing some of your precious


What are Silverfish habits?

Silverfish bugs are nocturnal and secretive insects that prefer dark and moist places. They are

attracted to sources of food and water in your home or office. They can travel up to 9 meters in search

of food at night. They are also very fast and agile runners that can escape from predators or threats.

They can survive without food for several months if they have access to water.


Where Can You find Silverfish?

Silverfish bugs can be found in various places in your home or office, such as:


– Bathrooms, where they can feed on soap, shampoo, toothpaste, or hair products.

– Kitchens, where they can feed on flour, sugar, cereal, pasta, or bread.

– Basements, where they can feed on cardboard, paper, books, or glue.

– Attics, where they can feed on insulation, clothing, or fabrics.

– Closets, where they can feed on wool, silk, cotton, or linen.


Silverfish bugs can also be found in other places that are dark and humid, such as under sinks,

behind baseboards, in wall voids, in cracks or crevices, or in potted plants.

Get rid of silverfish today!

Stink Bug In Your Home

How to get rid of stink bugs

There is a lot of bugs in this world. There are hundreds of places for them to live. However, they continue to want to live with us. Who wants to live with a bug! No matter what we do, a bug will enter your home like clockwork. As most bugs disappear as the weather gets colder, one bug prevails. The stink bugs. These bugs don’t harm us in that they don’t bite or sting. They are not likely to have and infestation outburst over a few days and they are easy to catch. With all the nice things said, we want them out the house.

We all have been victim to stink bugs every year. Especially during the winter months. Why do you keep getting stink bugs? Read the following article for some very helpful tips. Apply a few steps you will see a decrease of stink bugs in your home. Follow all the steps, you will end up stink bug free.

What Are Stink Bugs?

These common and abundant stink bugs are active from spring through fall on many trees and shrubs, including beeches, hazels, chokeberries, dogwoods, honeysuckles, and various fruit trees. Adults overwinter in sheltered warm places and begin to emerge in the spring to lay more eggs.

Stink bugs will feed on garden crops and even crops that bare nut. They can quickly destroy crops and make them unfit for sale. Although you may not be affected by stink bugs, but, if you are a gardener then you may want to make a plant to get rid of this pesky pest.

Why Do Stink Bugs Invade Homes?

Just like all insects and animals, they seek shelter in homes for the warmth and food. You may see a few in your home. Stink bugs do not multiply fast like roaches and bedbugs. They are not likely to become an infestation like the pest just mentioned.

Just because you see stink bugs in your home it is very unlikely you would need assistance from an exterminator. Most of the time you can handle stink bugs on your own and it’s not that hard to eliminate them from your home. I will outline six ways to help you get rid of stink bugs without crushing them and giving off a fragrance you do not want in your home.

Top Six Ways to Get Rid of Stink Bugs

The methods outlined will help you get rid of the stink bugs. Most of the time it is minor and just doing a few of the tips may be all you need to solve the problem. If some of these methods don’t help, then you may need to use all methods described below to eradicate the stinky little hard butt bugs.

Change The Lighting

Stink bugs are attracted to light much like the mosquito. We all keep lights on at night for various reasons. Lights are what we call a fly light. It attracts bugs right to your front porch which gives them easy access to your front door or cracks around it.

So, if you are noticing stink bugs at night. Turn of the light as the sun settles. Try leaving them off overnight. People have all types of lighting such as, decorative lighting and string lighting. All these lights look good, but they attract bugs of all kinds…especially the stink bug.

Eliminate Cracks and Crevices

Cracks and Crevices is what bugs count on to gain entrance into your home. The smallest crack and crevice are all the stink bugs need to squeeze into your home. It is a good idea to inspect your home for foundation cracks are trees (touching your home) and bushes that are too close to your home. These are common mistakes that will allow sting bugs easy access to your home if you don’t caulk them out.

Make sure you keep your bushes trimmed because the stink bugs love to hide in the shrubs. This is their favorite hiding spots. While you are at the working stage…seal and fix screens and replace weather strappings around your doors. You would be surprised as how your door separates from the frame. around doors.

Don’t Leave Food Laying Out

As the cold weather sets in the first thing is to find warmth, which is your house. However, if you leave food laying around then the bug has it made. Food is the second thing it is looking for. Warmth and food. If you have a habit of cleaning in next day and leaving the food source overnight, the stink bug will have a full course meal. Get into a habit of cleaning your food source and storing it away correctly. Not only will that detour stink bugs but any other insect too.

Check Items Coming Inside From Storage

It is routine for homeowners to change out the outside decorations to whatever the season represents. As you change the seasonal decor you most likely would be harboring a stink bug. They love to hide in storage bins, especially the ones stored in the basement, garage or attic. Get into a habit of inspecting your seasonal items as you change them over. Stink bugs are great hitchhikers.

Install Screens Over Outside Vents

One of the forgotten methods of preventing stinkbugs is access through chimneys, dryer vents, and various vents in your roof lines. Fine mesh screening would do the trick to keep them out. Stink bugs can easy slip through the vents and gain entry into your home.

Use Essential Oils

Truly Green Pest Service knows that stink bugs cannot stand the smell of certain essential oils like clove, tea tree, and peppermint. To effectively treat for stink bugs, try mixing 10 to 20 drops of essential oil into a cup of water and place into a spray bottle. Spray all window seals and doorways with the solution and it will act as a repellant causing the stinkbugs to run in horror!

Stink Bug In Kansas City

Stinkk Bug in Kansas City

What are Stink Bugs?

What do stink bugs look like?

Stinkk Bug in Kansas City

  • Mouth – mouth parts sucking and piercing
  • Antennae – Antennae straight with light to brown bands
  • Shape – Body Shaped like a shield
  • Length – 12 to 17 mm long
  • Color – Brown in color and motted colors
  • Wings – dark bands on the front wings

Read more about what a stink bug looks like.

How to Get Rid of Stink Bugs?

Stink bugs have a flat body which enables them to slip into your home through cracks and torn screens. Who said bugs don’t feel? When the weather gets cold, they establish a home in yours where they are kept warm in hopes of surviving the winter months until spring arrives.

This pest is always seen in the light. Usually on sunny sides of the house. You find them in clusters. Light from your home will attrack these bugs into your home. When they find the light they find the gaps in your home to gain entry.

More about what causes stink bugs.

How Serious Are Stink Bugs?

Stink bugs can damage gardens, fruit trees and other ornamental plants. Like any bug, they are a nuisance and not considered a threat to people. They will not cause any structural damage to your home. However, they will cause other issues.

Ok…between their legs is where the odor comes from, and if you smash the the bug the odor becomes strong and hard to wash off. Never use your hand. Usually when you see these pests you find them in the light fixtures. Remember they are attracted to light. You may smell a strange odor. Good housekeeping is one of the best solutions for ridden your home from these stinky bugs.

How Can I Get Rid of Stink Bugs?

What Truly Green Pest Control Does?

Truly Green Pest Control technician is trained to help manage stink bugs and other pests. Every yard and home are unique, the Truly Green technicians will design a unique program for your situation.

There are two types of stink bugs to worry about. One is the brown marmorated stink bug and the kudzu bug. These two species are top of the nuisance scale. These two bugs are the ones that will infest your home or business during the winter and spring. Spring is when they try to escape from over wintering throughout the winter. Truly Green Pest Control will focus on controlling these pests by looking for points of entry and treating that area.

  • In most situations, the best treatment for stink bugs is preventing them from getting inside to their overwintering sites. Your Truly Green Pest Control technician will probably recommend sealing all cracks that are more than 1/8 inch wide, screening or repairing existing screens over roof vents, gable vents, windows and doors and installing door sweeps.
  • Chemical products can be applied around possible stink bug entry points. Based on your inspection, initial application and reapplications of products may be required to treat other stink bugs that fly to the property and attempt to get inside.

What Do They Eat?

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Apples
  • Peaches
  • Blackberries
  • Tomatoes
  • Corn
  • Soybeans
  • Lima beans
  • Green peppers

Read more about what stink bugs eat.

Prevention Tips

  • Seal cracks – Look for openings 1/8 and larger and seal
  • Screens – Use screen to seal cracks are openings in attic and crawl space.
  • Doors – Place weather strips under doors.
  • Overwintering – Once a stink bug take up residence in your walls it is hard to remove them.

  • Are Stink Bugs Poisonous?
  • Do Stink Bugs Bite?
  • Do Stink Bugs Fly?
  • Do Stink Bugs Stink?
  • How Long Do Stink Bugs Live?
  • How to Get Rid of Stink Bugs
  • Stink Bug Eggs
  • Stink Bug Larvae
  • Stink Bug Life Cycle
  • Stink Bug Season
  • Stink Bug Traps
  • Stink Bugs and Cedar Spray
  • Stink Bugs and Citrus
  • Stink Bugs and Pets (Cats & Dogs)
  • Stink Bugs in the Garden
  • Stink Bugs in the Winter
  • Stink Bugs vs. Kissing Bugs
  • Types of Stink Bugs
  • What Are Stink Bugs?
  • What Causes Stink Bugs?
  • What Do Stink Bugs Eat?
  • What Does a Stink Bug Look Like?
  • What Eats Stink Bugs?
  • Where Do Stink Bugs Come From?
  • Where Do Stink Bugs Live?

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How To Get Blow Flies From Entering Your Home

Blowflies in your home

Keep BlowFlies out of Kansas City Home


blow fly picture

  • Color: Adult blow flies are often metallic, while larvae are pale in color.
  • Characteristics: Adults have sponge-like mouth parts, with feathery hairs on the terminal antenna segments of the males. Larvae have hook-like mouth parts.
  • Larvae: Blow fly larvae are also known as maggots. Measuring 9 to 22 mm in length, maggots are equipped with hook-like mouth parts and spiracles for breathing. They are soft and appear similar to worms or grains of rice. Each body segment of the blow fly maggot has a median row of fleshy tubercles that resemble hair.How Did I Get Blow Flies?

These pests get into homes through open doors, windows, or small cracks in walls in search of food. Once inside, blow flies find a meal and begin to deposit eggs on its surface.


How Serious Are Blow Flies?

Disease Transmission

These flies transfer infections to humans through contaminating food and food preparation surfaces. Also, it is possible to transfer disease organism when a blow fly comes into contact with an open wound or lesion on people, livestock or pets. When the insects feed, pathogens attach to their bodies. These pests can spread dysentery, eye infections, and other illnesses.Related Problems

A blow fly infestation often indicates a more serious issue. These pests gather in large numbers around carrion. An indoor swarm is a sign of an animal carcass trapped in an attic or wall void.


Signs of Infestation

Adults can be spotted resting on surfaces or checking out potential food or odor sources. Spotting larvae often happens when they move out of breeding sources to pupate.


How Do I Get Rid of Blow Flies?

Your local Truly Green Pest Control technician is trained to help manage blow flies and similar pests. Since every building or home is different, your technician will design a unique program for your situation.

Truly Green can provide the right solution to keep blow flies in their place…out of your home, or business. Call 816-377-2811


Behavior, Diet & Habits

Blow flies belong to the Family Calliphoridae of flies under the Order Diptera. To date, there are approximately 80 species in North America.


What Do They Eat?

Blow flies are attracted to decaying meat and are typically the first organisms to come into contact with dead animals. The meat of dead animals is essential for larval survival and growth. They are also attracted to plants that give off the smell of rotting meat and as such, can be a pollinator for those plants.


Where Do They Live?

Blow fly maggots are generally seen near dead animals. Different species of blow flies are active at different times: the Calliphora vomitoria are most commonly found on carrion during cooler months, while the Phaenicia sericata are more active in hot seasons. Other species thrive more in the shade, while some require hot temperatures to complete the maggot developmental stage.


Larvae or Maggots


Female blow flies typically lay their eggs on decaying meat, where maggots hatch within a few hours to a few days depending on species. These maggots undergo three stages within several days, after which they leave their food source and pupate in soil. Within a few days, the pupation will be complete, at which point they emerge as adults.

Blow fly eggs are laid in rotting meat, where maggots feed and complete their development before seeking a dry location within which to pupate. After maturing, larvae create outer skins, known as puparia, that look like rat droppings or cockroach egg cases. Pupae develop within the puparium, maturing into adults.

What Do Garter Snakes Eat?

Garter Snakes In Kansas City

Garter Snakes in Kansas City

Garter Snakes in Kansas CityGarter snakes are a type of non-venomous snake found throughout North America. They are known for their distinct coloration, which typically includes stripes or blotches in various shades of green, brown, black, and yellow. Garter snakes are small to medium-sized, with adults ranging in length from 18 to 48 inches. They are active during the day and are often found near bodies of water, where they feed on a variety of prey, including insects, worms, slugs, frogs, fish, and small mammals. Garter snakes are ovoviviparous, which means that they give birth to live young rather than laying eggs. Although they are not venomous, they can still transmit bacteria and other pathogens through their saliva or feces, and should be handled with care. Garter snakes play an important role in their ecosystems as both predator and prey, and help to control populations of insects and small animals.




1. Garter snakes are known for their distinct coloration, which includes stripes or blotches in various shades of green, brown, black, and yellow.

2. They are typically small to medium-sized, with adults ranging in length from 18 to 48 inches.

3. Garter snakes are active during the day and are often found near bodies of water, such as streams, ponds, and marshes.

4. They are opportunistic feeders and will eat a variety of prey, including insects, worms, slugs, frogs, fish, and small mammals.

5. Garter snakes are ovoviviparous, which means that they give birth to live young rather than laying eggs.

6. They are generally considered harmless to humans, although they may bite if provoked or handled roughly.

7. Garter snakes are sometimes kept as pets due to their small size and docile nature.

8. There are several subspecies of garter snakes, including the common garter snake, the eastern garter snake, and the red-sided garter snake.

9. Garter snakes play an important role in their ecosystems as both predator and prey, and help to control populations of insects and small animals.

10. Garter snakes are able to release a foul-smelling musk from their scent glands as a defense mechanism against predators.

11. They are often found basking in the sun on rocks or other warm surfaces, as they are ectothermic and rely on external sources of heat to regulate their body temperature.

12. In some cultures, garter snakes are considered to be a symbol of fertility or good luck.

Sure, here are some additional facts about garter snakes:

13. Garter snakes have a highly developed sense of smell, which they use to locate prey, navigate their environment, and detect potential predators.

14. They are also able to swim well and are often found near water, where they can feed on fish, tadpoles, and other aquatic creatures.

15. Garter snakes hibernate during the winter months in underground dens or other sheltered locations, often in large groups with other snakes.

16. Female garter snakes may mate with multiple males, and give birth to litters of up to 80 live young.

17. Some subspecies of garter snakes, such as the San Francisco garter snake and the Oregon spotted frog, are considered to be endangered due to habitat loss and other threats.

18. Garter snakes are able to regenerate their tails if they are lost due to predation or other causes, although the new tail may be shorter and have a different coloration than the original.

19. Although garter snakes are not venomous, they can still transmit bacteria and other pathogens through their saliva or feces, and should be handled with care.

20. Garter snakes are popular among gardeners and farmers, as they help to control populations of pests such as slugs and rodents.

21. In some areas, garter snakes are subject to hunting or collection for their skins, which are used in the production of clothing and accessories.

22. Garter snakes are generally considered to be beneficial to humans and the environment, and are often used as an indicator species for the health of wetland ecosystems.

Silverfish in My Attic

Silverfish in my home

Silverfish and Firebrats

Silverfish in my home


Nothing more disturbing is the sight of a silverfish in my closet. Will they eat or destroy my wardrobe? Will they stain my walls? Do they bite? These are questions homeowners ask all the time. However, there is a way to beat these little insects. Read on…

Silverfish and firebrats prefer dark places. They are rarely seen in the day and when they are, it is because they must have been disturbed.  When these insects are spotted on the ceiling, then it means they must be coming from the attic of the structure. As the weather warms and the temperature in the attic increases, there will be increased activity and sightings of the silverfish. Sightings on the wall or ceiling mean that there should be treatment in the attic.

Both the silverfish and firebrat have quick movements where they go in short intervals then quickly taking off with quick movements.  They are good climbers on walls however, not on smooth surfaces that is vertical.  Because of the inability of silverfish to climb smooth surfaces is why you see them trapped in bathtubs, sinks and glass trays.

The silverfish can reach 1/4 to 1/2 inch long in growth. The young are considerably smaller.

Silverfish and firebrats have silver and gray colored body that is close to a pearl color. If you look closely at the silverfish and firebrat, you will notice that the firebrat has mottled appearance. The bodies of the two are thick at the front and slender in the back, much like a cone. The tail tends to have a pointed look with two slender antennae in front and three long, thin appendages in back.




The firebrat thrives on hot conditions with temperatures between 90 to 110 degrees. It takes only three months for this insect to travel from egg to full grown.  When temperatures reach the optimum range, they will lay their eggs in cracks or small openings, particular along the baseboards and quarter rounds of rooms.

Chemical control of silverfish and firebrats is similar to that employed for cockroaches. Treatment should be thorough and cover cracks and crevices.  In warm basements all pipes should be treated especially if they are warm. All areas that are warm should be serviced. Dust is one of the best treatments for silverfish. Use as necessary to maintain control. Dust is effective; however, moisture can affect the dust.  Attics are the most important place for treating for silverfish, as it is the warmest portion of the house.




The best way to prevent silverfish is to change the lighting and temperature. We call that biological control.  Changing the temperature can cause the silverfish to die or move to another area. If that happens then it may be to your advantage…you may be able to reach them easily. A piece of furniture against a warmer part of the house may provide a hiding place for firebrats or silverfish. You might want to move furniture from the wall to another place that is cooler were the silverfish will not survive as well.

Remember, modifying temperature will be the best effect for silverfish and firebrats. They thrive at high temperatures and can reproduce at temperatures set at 90 to 110. As the temperatures drop below the desired setting, the firebrats and silverfish will move and die in undesirable locations.

If you are at ends with silverfish, Call Truly Green Pest Control for immediate relief from these destructive little insects. 

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