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brown Recluse in your home

How to Get Rid of Brown Recluse Spiders

How to Get Rid of Brown Recluse Spiders are one of the most feared insects according to polls collected across the country. The reality is that spiders help us keep other crop destroying and house invading insects away/ they are
Natural Cockroach exterminator

Cockroaches are becoming Impossible to kill

Cockroaches are being born impervious to bug sprays and it’s happening fast. A Purdue University study found that the commonly found German types of roaches are increasingly being born by having an immunity to toxins by which they haven’t yet
Boxelder Bugs Infestation

Boxelder Bugs In Your Home

Boxelder bugs in kansas city Boxelder bugs can occur in large numbers during spring, primarily on boxelders but also on other maples as well as oks and ailanthus.  Adults or larvae take sap from seeds, flowers and leaves but cause
Rodent Control

Fall Rodent Control

Fall Rodent Control Rodent Control is important because…Winter is coming, and the weather is getting colder, and rodents will become more of an issue for Kansas City homeowners. Rodents are like us; they are warm blooded and active year-round. That
Natural Mosquito Treatment

Do Mosquitoes Transmit Covid ?

Does Mosquitoes Transmit the Covid -19 Disease?   Off all the stinging insects out there, Mosquitoes are one of the most annoying insects today.  You can here them buzzing around your ear and they can attack in large numbers, they
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