Truly Green Blog and Tips

Bed Bug Bites

3 Tips for Bed Bugs in Kansas City

3 Tips on Bed Bugs in Kansas City Lots of people realize that bed bugs infest mattresses and old furnishings, but most don’t pay much brain to how bed bugs end up there into the beginning. In reality, these parasitic
Centipedes in my Home

House Centipedes in Kansas City

Controlling House Centipedes Appearance What Do They Look Like? Size: House centipedes have long, flattened bodies, which can measure as long as 1-1/2 inches long Color: The body is a yellowish-brown with three dark stripes running along the top of the body
Stinkk Bug in Kansas City

Stink Bug In Kansas City

What are Stink Bugs? What do stink bugs look like? Mouth – mouth parts sucking and piercing Antennae – Antennae straight with light to brown bands Shape – Body Shaped like a shield Length – 12 to 17 mm long Color
Wolf Spiders

Common Spiders in Kansas City

Common Spider In Kansas And Missouri Wolf Spiders  Wolf spiders can chase down their prey with excellent speed and vision. Also, when they don’t run after their prey, they can idle for a moment and attack a prey as it
Common Ants in Kansas City

Common Ants In Kansas City

How To Identify & Control Ants What do ants look like? Ants are fascinating creatures that belong to the insect order Hymenoptera and the family Formicidae. With over 12,000 known species, ants are incredibly diverse in appearance, behavior, and habitat.
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