How to Get Rid of Ticks

Tick Bites

Get Rid of Ticks

Welcome back to my blog where I share my tips and tricks on how to live a healthy and happy life. Today, I want to talk about something that might make you feel a bit itchy: ticks. Yes, those tiny, blood-sucking parasites that can cause a lot of trouble if you don’t deal with them properly. In this post, I will answer some common questions about ticks, such as what they are, what they look like, how to remove them, what their bites look like, and how to get rid of them. Let’s get started!

What are Ticks?

Ticks are small arachnids that belong to the same family as spiders and mites. They feed on the blood of animals and humans by attaching themselves to their skin with their mouthparts. There are many different species of ticks, but they all have four life stages: egg, larva, nymph, and adult. Ticks can transmit various diseases to their hosts, such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and babesiosis.

What do ticks look like?

Tick Bites

Ticks vary in size, shape, and color depending on their species and life stage. They can range from the size of a poppy seed to the size of a raisin. They usually have eight legs and a round or oval body that can expand when they are full of blood. Some ticks have distinctive markings or patterns on their backs, such as black spots or stripes. Others are plain brown or black..

How to Remove Ticks

Tick Removal

If you find a tick on your skin, don’t panic. The most important thing is to remove it as soon as possible and in the right way. Here are some steps you can follow:


      • Use fine-tipped tweezers or a tick removal tool to grasp the tick as close to your skin as possible.

      • Pull upward with steady and even pressure. Don’t twist or jerk the tick as this can cause its mouthparts to break off and remain in your skin.

      • If any mouthparts are left in your skin, try to remove them with tweezers or a sterile needle. If you can’t remove them easily, leave them alone and let your skin heal.

      • Clean the bite area and your hands with soap and water or rubbing alcohol.

      • Dispose of the tick by flushing it down the toilet or putting it in a sealed bag or container.

      • Monitor your health for any signs of infection or illness for several weeks after the bite.

    What do Tick bites look like?

    Tick Bites

    Tick bites are usually painless and hard to notice at first. They may cause some redness, swelling, itching, or burning around the bite area. Some people may develop a rash or a fever after a tick bite. These could be signs of an allergic reaction or a tick-borne disease. If you experience any unusual symptoms after a tick bite, such as headache, joint pain, fatigue, or facial paralysis, see your doctor immediately.

    How to get rid of ticks

    The best way to prevent tick bites is to avoid areas where ticks live, such as wooded or grassy places. If you do go outdoors in these areas, take some precautions to protect yourself from ticks:


        • Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants and tuck them into your socks or boots.

        • Wear light-colored clothing so you can spot ticks more easily.

        • Use insect repellent that contains DEET or permethrin on your skin and clothing.

        • Check yourself and your pets for ticks after spending time outdoors.

        • Remove any ticks you find as soon as possible.

      I hope this post was helpful and informative for you. Ticks are not something to be afraid of, but they are something to be aware of and prepared for. Remember to stay safe and enjoy nature!

      Contact Us Today For Tick Control

      How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs?

      How To Kill Bed Bugs?

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      Bed Bugs Explained

      Bed bugs: Once in your home they are hard to get rid of. There are a lot of remedies out there, but professional help will be the best option. How did you get them and where did they come from? How do they get to different places in the first place? Read on to find out.

      Where Did Bed Bugs begin from?

      Mankind have been dealing with bed bugs most likely since the beginning of times. We lived in caves and so did the bed bugs. Bed bugs in believed to have originated in the middle east.

      As early civilization begins to grow and spread throughout the continent, bedbugs were introduced to new regions. There is documentation that struggles with the pest were on going as documented by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans.

      As time progressed bed bugs begin to spread to different regions such as Asia, Europe, and Africa, not leaving any preferences between the poor and the rich populations. All households were affected. As Europeans moved towards the Americas, the pest followed them as hitchhikers to the states. Bed bugs the proliferating kings occupy every continent with the exception of Anarctica.

      Cons and Pros of Using DDT

      DDT was developed to in the 1940’s to help decrease the transmission of:

      • Malaria
      • Typhus
      • And illness that affect the troops and civilians due to disease spreading form bed bugs

      DDT was widley used as the go to product to prevent bed bugs. It worked very well against bed bug infestations and was very common during this era.

      Although it was very popular, its usage had some serious downsides to the health of the users and people used around. It was later classified as a carcinogen and a danger to the environment including birds in large. On top of that, it appeared not to be winning the battle against bed bugs. Because of the many downsides, DDT was banned in 1972. It had appeared anyway the bed bug population was defeated.

      Bed Bugs Big Return

      Since the 1980s, bed bug has notably been increasing across the globe including major outbreaks in the United States.

      Sciences point to various contributing factors causing the rising number of infestations:

      • Travel from different parts of the world to and from US
      • Buying thrift store furniture and relocating it to homes
      • Hotels changing pest control programs to quarterly and sometimes yearly
      • Resistance to pesticides (even DDT)

      How Do You Get Bed Bugs?

      Bed Bugs are excellent hitchhikes and can attach themselves to:

      • Hari
      • Skin
      • Clothes
      • Animal Fur
      • And luggage

      Most people believe bed bugs are associated with dirty homes. First of all, bed bugs do not discriminate. They are found in Theaters, 5-star hotels, and even hospitals. Bed bugs will hide in cracks and crevices on any surface, such as suitcases, beds, collars on shirts. They will find their way in to have easy access to your blood.

      Where Can You Find Bed Bugs?

      Here are just a few examples of places you can find bed bugs:

      • In the tucks or seams of bedding and mattresses
      • In furniture joints (especially beds)
      • Between cushions on couches, chairs, or benches in homes or public places, such as movie theaters, trains, and buses
      • Inside electrical sockets
      • In cracks or gaps in the walls, molding, or floorboards
      • Inside laptops

      What Are the Signs of Bed Bug Infestation?

      When traveling recognize signs of bed bugs such as: read stains on the pillowcases, or on your mattress. Keep your luggage away from beds and walls. Check your luggage and clothing before you bring it home.  If you need to remove an infestation from your home, don’t wait to involve a professional, as these pests are notoriously hard to get rid of, and the process will need to be extensive and thorough.

      At Truly Green Pest Control we understand how stressful and painful a bed bug infestation in your home can be. If you need help eliminating a bed bug problem in Kansas City, Overland Park or surrounding areas call 816-377-2811


      Do Mosquitoes Transmit Covid ?

      Natural Mosquito Treatment

      Does Mosquitoes Transmit the Covid -19 Disease?


      Off all the stinging insects out there, Mosquitoes are one of the most annoying insects today.  You can here them buzzing around your ear and they can attack in large numbers, they also transmit diseases that can make you very sick, as well as feed on your blood too. We would rather see these mosquitoes gone, however, believe it or not…they serve a purpose to the environment.  What?

      Fish, birds, bats, and other creatures depend on mosquito population for food.  We think of mosquitoes as annoying, but a little know fact is they also pollinate like bees.   With all the concern over mosquitoes and the plagues of illness they can carry…will they Transmit  Covid-19?

      Image by Erop Kameneb – Unsplash

      What Are Mosquitoes?

      To the point, mosquitoes are flying insects. They are in the family Culicidae and are classified in the order Diptera and are considered true flies. They have six long skinny legs, and a pair of wings and they can reach sizes of 3 mm to 9mm. You may see a needle like protrusion coming from their head. It is called a proboscis that is used to puncture the flesh and feed on our blood.  Their wings and bodies are often covered in tiny scales, and they are typically dark brown or black. There wings are scaly and colors come in black or brown. 

      How Do Mosquitoes Transmit Diseases?

      Dengue,  West Nile Virus, Zika Virus and malaria or a few diseases that mosquitoes can transmit. Encephalitis is another.  The above mentioned diseases can live within the mosquito which will allow the insect to transfer these disease easily to a human host.  Mosquitoes use their proboscis to pierce the skin. Then they inject saliva to numb up the area and then suck the blood.  This is usually were the transmission of diseases will occur as the saliva contaminates the blood. 

      The question is what mosquito is infected. If it is not infected then you will not display the symptoms of an infected mosquito, however, that depends on the health of the individual immune system.

      Symptoms from mosquito bites:

      • A reddish bump 
      • A bump that is reddish
      • Bump that is white with a reddish dot in middle
      • Spots dark in color like bruises
      • Small Blisters

      Possible symptoms of compromised immune system people :

      • Low-grade fever
      • Fever low-grade
      • lymph nodes that are swollen
      • Possible Hives
      • Headache

      If you feel that a mosquito have bitten you, contact your doctor when in doubt. Seek a medical professional. When you know a mosquito has bitten you, it is wise to seek counsel from your medical professional. Mosquito bites are nothing to fool around with as the diseases listed above could ruin your health if not caught in time. 


      Coronavirus  produces a strain that is responsible for the Covid-19 virus that is known to attack your respiratory system and similar to many other respiratory illness.  A couple of the recognizable symptoms of the Covid-19 is lack of taste and smell.  If you feel you have been exposed of covid-19…get tested as soon as possible. Also contact your medical facility asap.  

      Covid-19 circulates through droplets when a person who has it coughs or sneezes. If you are near by, the droplets discharged can be inhaled by you from the infected person. According to the CDC the spread can be transmitted through fluid discharged from the nose too. 

      Protect yourself from COVID-19 by:

      • Social distancing at least 6ft
      • Avoid people who cough or sneeze
      • Use hand sanitizer with alcohol as ingredient
      • Always wash your hands routinely

      United Nations Response to COVID-19 – Unsplash

      Can Mosquitoes Transmit COVID-19?

      After all the education from above, mosquitoes will not transmit the covid-19…  According to the World Health Organization, there’s no empirical data or evidence that says COVID-19 or coronaviruses, is transmitted by being bit by a mosquito.  As of now, Data collected  indicates mosquitoes can not store this virus in their system. So, in short, mosquitoes can bite an infected person with the Covid-19 and bite you and not transmit the disease to you.  That’s good news!

      This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t worry about mosquito bites because they are still very capable of carrying and spreading other serious illnesses. Contact Truly Green Pest Control  if you have a mosquito infestation on your property, at your place of business, or elsewhere. Bulwark’s highly trained professionals can assess your situation and implement a plan of action to eliminate the threat of mosquitoes to you and others.

      Mosquito season is in full swing, Covid-19 will not and cannot be transmitted from the mosquito. However, that doesnt mean you take the mosquito lightly. It carries a host of other dehibilitating disease as well. Protect your family from the threat of mosquitoes. Let Truly Green Pest Control take care of the mosquitoes, so you can have a beer or lemonade outside again.


      Does the Weather Affect Fleas and Ticks

      Fleas in winter - Truly Green Pest Service

      Does Weather affects fleas and ticks.

      How exactly does the current weather Affect Fleas and Ticks?

      Don’t rely on the weather to kill parasites.



      In the event that you’ve been hoping the changing seasons could help solve your flea and tick problems, we now have some disappointing news: it can take more than a passing freeze or a heat wave to kill these pests. However, alterations in the weather do affect flea and tick populations — plus some conditions might help fleas and ticks thrive. Here’s what you should know.

      Do Fleas and Ticks Die within the Winter?


      Fleas and ticks have been in existence for a long time, therefore it’s no surprise they’ve developed a few tricks to survive the cold. Those tricks differ for every pest, though.

      In the great outdoors, fleas survive the winter within the warm protection of wildlife dens — as well as on the bodies of raccoons, possums along with other wild animals. The specific situation is comparable for fleas in your pets — except the “den” will be your home.

      While fleas enjoy your dog’s or cat’s warm body, they also scatter eggs into carpets, bedding and furniture. The mild climate in the home provides ideal conditions of these eggs to produce into new adult fleas. Contact with severe cold will kill fleas, but they still have many possibilities to find warmth and shelter.

      Ticks are tough and won’t be deterred by a quick cold snap — it often takes an extended, extremely cold winter to significantly lessen the tick population. Ticks can often find shelter beneath the snow where in actuality the air around them is warm adequate to act as insulation.

      Are Fleas and Ticks Impacted By Rain?


      Spring is growth season — and not just for flowers. Fleas and ticks thrive in the warm, humid weather, too, and they benefit from mice, raccoons, deer and other wildlife that are now active, breeding and finding shelter from the sun in cool, damp places.

      Spring rain does not help, either; fleas or ticks thrive in humid conditions. Fleas love the moisture and shelter of growing, rain-fed grass and plants, while ticks use the abundant growth as a ladder to cling onto your pet’s body. Folks are more energetic through the spring, too, and pet owners are eager to take pleasure in the warmth and light using their pets. But the additional time we spend outdoors with our pets, the more opportunities there are for fleas and ticks to affix a ride.

      Are Fleas and Ticks Impacted By Hot Weather?
      Long stretches of hot, dry weather are detrimental to fleas. They won’t survive in your sun-baked patio, but even during a heat wave, odds are they’ll survive if they find a shaded or damp place. Take into account that those are identical places where your pet could seek refuge through the sun, too.
      Ticks aren’t suffering from the heat up to fleas are, so pet owners should always be vigilant for ticks it doesn’t matter how hot it really is.
      Simple tips to Address Flea and Tick Issues


      As the weather does affect the flea and tick population outside, you are able to help control the population in your pet plus in your house. Below are a few things you can do:

      • Vacuum frequently, particularly in areas where your dog spends the most time.
      • Launder your pet’s bedding often.
      • If you’re spending a lot of time outdoors, check your pet after every trip for ticks and take away them carefully.
      • Consult with your vet. There are numerous preventive options for both fleas and ticks; pose a question to your vet which ones would be best for the pet. If you’re not already using a preventive, topical treatments like shampoos or sprays can kill fleas and ticks currently on your own pet. Then start a preventive treatment to stay prior to the problem as time goes by.
      • Fleas and ticks are a nuisance, but they’re manageable and preventable. Just don’t depend on the weather to fix the problem for you.

      How To Kill Mites in Soil

      Soil Mites in Soil

      How To Kill Mites in Plant Soil

      Soil Mites in Soil


      Beautiful plants may not be the only thing growing in your soil—it may also be the home to soil mites. If you’ve observed small, white dots walking across the top of your soil or along the edges of your plant’s pot, there’s a good possibility these mites have set up shop in your soil. According to the University of Illinois Extension, mites can range in size. Some mites are about the size of pinpoints, although others can get to up to 1/8-inch in diameter. Fortunately, mites are usually just nuisances and do not bother the plant; however, there are a few ways in which to remove the mites and let your plants be the only tenants in the soil.

      Step 1
      Clean and screen the soil. In accordance to the University of Illinois Extension, mites feed off of leaf mold, decaying plant materials and peat moss. For that reason, eliminating any waste in the soil will give the mites less to live on, which may lead to their removal.

      Step 2
      Re-pot your plant into sterile soil. In addition, make sure your pot is thoroughly clean and void of any soil or debris.

      Step 3
      Drench the plant’s roots to remove the old soil before placing it inside the new soils and pot. Although it is important to remove as much of the old dirt as possible, you must re-pot the plant quickly before its roots dry out or the plant could die.

      Step 4
      Apply insecticides that consist of pyrethrins to the soil. Note any dilution instructions and follow the directions on the label.

      3 Tips for Bed Bugs in Kansas City

      Bed Bug Bites

      3 Tips on Bed Bugs in Kansas City

      Bed Bug BitesLots of people realize that bed bugs infest mattresses and old furnishings, but most don’t pay much brain to how bed bugs end up there into the beginning. In reality, these parasitic bugs really are a many more mobile than folks understand, which assists them spread from hot spots to homes that are individual. Discovering how exactly to spot and steer clear of sleep bug infestations will allow you to prevent getting bitten.





      Bed Bugs Do Not Discriminate

      Bed bugs really are a pest that we have a tendency to just think of as existing in dirty circumstances. It’s a myth that just dirty homes have bed bugs, plus the those who don’t simply take their fast-spreading nature seriously often wind up having an infestation on their own. Sleep pests can hide inside of containers or infested products for months without food, permitting them to wait for time that is right emerge for feeding or catching a lift somewhere else. They are several of the most ways that are common tend to present bed bugs to their home:

      Travel: whenever planning a trip to other areas, specifically overseas, we reveal ourselves to hots pots like companies and transport hubs where bed pests can congregate.

      Containers: The same applies to packages being transported from far and brought to your residence or place of company. Sleep pests or their eggs can occasionally endure the journey.

      Secondhand expenditures: one of the more common means people have bed bugs is through bringing infested stuff like pre-owned furniture and clothing inside. It’s important to closely examine used things before bringing them home, interested in the bed that is seed-like or their peppery eggs.


      How Bed Bugs Move Around


      Related ArticlesCan bed bugs Survive the cold?


      Since they can hitch trips on infested items, sleep pests can essentially dole out of the task of transportation right to the creatures or people they feed on. Not only will they get around easily, but sleep bug communities also thrive in some hotspot areas where they may be able both feed and nest. The following are areas where bed bug populations can grow and simply send with other places:


        • A building packed with mattresses and sheets? Seems like a sleep bug’s haven. Certainly, motels in many cases are called hot spots for bed bug task.


        • Another destination where there are many beds to infest, hospitals additionally behave as a hub for possibly humans that are infested distribute sleep insects to others.


        • Not just do schools have closets and storage space places where pests can conceal, they are a destination where children from a huge selection of different families congregate. If just one single household is infested, bed pests can quickly distribute to other people.

      How to Stop Bed Bugs

      Not only should you avoid hot spot areas and be smart when traveling, it’s also essential to do little things that can lessen your danger of getting bed bugs. Check out tips that are smart one to consider:

      Smart buying: being fully a thrifty has its own advantages, sure, but it additionally has its dangers. When purchasing utilized or second-hand products, carefully check them for signs and symptoms of bed bugs or eggs.

      Bundle assessment: similar can be said for packages, which cross numerous borders and alter many hands before arriving at your doorstep. Open up all of them outside and examine completely for bugs.

      Assessments: Inspecting potentially infested products is the one thing, examining your property is another. To genuinely rest easy bed that is knowing haven’t moved in, you really need to get in touch with Truly Green Pest Control to find out your home’s amount of security.

      10 Bed Bug Myths

      Bed Bug Bites

      10 BED Bug Myths


      Bedbugs was once defeated but know they are in every corner of the earth. Cimex lectularius—small, compressed insects that feast exclusively on mammalian and avian blood—have been dwelling alongside humankind since ancient times. Plentiful in the U.S. preceding to World War II, bed bugs completely disappeared during the course of the 1940s and ’50s due to developments in hygiene and the usage of insecticides. Within the last ten years, however, the pests have organized a reappearance worldwide—a breakout following the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney was a sign of things to come. This resurgence may be the most severe yet, professionals say, because of to largely populated urban areas, world-wide travel and growing pesticide resistance—something to give consideration to as the summer traveling season gets started.

      “By every metric that we use, it’s getting worse and worse,” says Coby Schal, an entomologist at North Carolina State University in Raleigh. Health authorities and pest control operators are regularly flooded with calls, and the epidemic may not have yet peaked. And because bedbugs are indoor pests, there are no high or low seasons throughout the year, he adds, only continual bombardment. “It’s just the beginning of the problem in the U.S.,” Schal says.


      Myth 1: Do Bed Bugs Fly?

      Bed bugs are not flyers. They can crawl up to a meter all in one minute. Bedbugs a great crawler and hide into cracks and crevices…They are light and can be drifted by the wind, this makes them look like flyers.  They are not.


      Myth 2: Bedbugs produce quickly

      Compared with other insects, bedbugs are slow to reproduce: The adult bed bug produces one egg a day. That may sound like a lot. The house fly can lay over 500 eggs over four days. Bed bugs reproduce slowly.


      Myth 3: Bedbugs can typically live a year without a meal

      It’s been said by experts that bedbugs can last up to two to three months without a blood meal.  The temperature should be around 74.00-degree F. The cooler the weather, the metabolism slows down and could cause the bed bugs to live up to a year without a meal.


      Myth 4: Night, Night bed bugs bite

      Bed bugs are nocturnal by nature. They usually come out at night when you are at rest.  However, that myth is not real. If the bed bugs are hungry, they will come out at night. If you are gone, and return, you will be the first meal in site.


      Myth 5: Bedbugs live only in mattresses

      Bed bugs are just the name. In fact, they live in suitcases, trains, suitcases, and movie theaters.  Were ever there humans you will find bed bugs.


      Myth 6: Bedbugs like dirty, urban conditions

      Bedbugs do not discriminate when it comes to choosing their home. You can live in a luxurious penthouse and stay in a five-star hotel. Bedbugs will find their way there.  You can have the dirtiest house on the block and not have one bed bug in site. But the majority of the bedbugs are in low-income areas. Mainly because the bugs are very expensive to get rid of.


      Myth 7: Bedbugs travel on our bodies

      Bed Bugs can be killed with heat, therefore they do not like heat. Bedbugs do not attach to our hair or skin like ticks and lice do. Our bodies give off heat and they prefer not to cling to us. Bed bugs are the best hitch hikers among insects and will travel by backpacks, shoes, luggage and things that are removed from the body.


      Myth 8: Bedbugs carry disease

      Bedbugs’ bites can bite can traumatize an individual more than any other insect on the planet. You can get anxiety, sleeplessness and infections by scratching constantly. Bed bug harbor human pathogens: At least 27 viruses, bacteria, protozoa and more have been found in bedbugs, although these microbes do not reproduce or multiply within the insects. With all this found, bed bugs have not been known to carry disease to humans.


      Myth 10: You can spray bedbugs away

      The best way to get rid of bedbugs is through heat treatment or fumigation. Remember bed bugs hate heat. Heat kills bed bugs. The problem with the heat treatment is that it is expensive. The treatment can cause up to 3500 dollars, which makes this treatment out of reach for most families with limited income resources. Store bought chemicals have resistance and will not kill bed bugs at a professional level. The traditional way of killing bed bugs is probably the best…consist of vacuuming, dust, and residual. It takes time to apply this method, but it is efficient.


      Contact Truly Green Pest Control

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      Saturday: 7:00 AM – 1:00 PM
      Sunday: CLOSED


      We will answer your questions personally. And we offer same-day solutions and Saturday appointments, as well as online scheduling and bill payment that are available 24/7.

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