Best Way To Kill Japanese Beetle

Japanese Beetles in Kansas City

Best Ways To Kill Japanese Beetles

Japanese Beetles in Gardens


Japanese beetles are a species of winged insect that are native to Japan. In their native habitat, they are kept in check by a variety of predators and parasites. However, when they were accidentally introduced to the United States in the early 1900s, they quickly spread and became a serious agricultural pest. Japanese beetles are now found in every state east of the Mississippi River. They are particularly damaging to crops such as grapes, roses, and corn. Japanese beetles are also a major problem for homeowners, as they are attracted to the leaves of many common yard and garden plants. If left unchecked, a singleJapanese beetle can eat 40 to 60 leaves a day. While there are a variety of chemical products that can be used to control Japanese beetles, many people prefer to use more natural methods, such as traps and beneficial insects.


The best way to kill beetles is finding the larvae that you will find near the end of autumn and take several months to develop. Another way that is not the most glamorous and easy way is to walk around the garden and pick them by hand which is to time consuming It is also possible to kill beetles by walking around the garden and removing them by hand but this is too time consuming. Try mixing a little pesticide in the water and placing a little garlic in the water. Garlic will kill them too.

During the summer months beetles are a major problem. These Japanese Beetles lay they larvae towards the beginning of fall in which they will hatch during late summer are spring.  We have found that the best way to kill beetles is to keep the larvae from hatching when it is warm. If you can do this then you will prevent the beetles from becoming an enormous problem which can transpire in a couple of weeks. Even the best preventative measures will not work completely so killing the remaining amount is the next step.

Probably the sure way of getting rid of the beetles is to walk around your garden early in the morning and picking them off the bushes by hand and then dropping them into a bucket of soapy water.  Keep in mind that this is good for small amounts of beetles.

In any case there most likely will be to many beetles to kill.  If you have a large amount, you will be better off with environmentally friendly product and mix it with water. Spray each plant with the solution and missing no plant in the garden. You will see an immediate effect.  

To handle a large garden work in sections, that way you will not miss any critical spots. Make sure you coat each plant and not miss any part of the plant. Missing plants will enable beetles to survive and create more beetles. Spray the solution carefully on the plants, being careful not to miss any areas. Missing any spots will see some beetles survive who will create. After spraying your garden make sure you spray the foundation of you home as beetles can rest in these areas. 

You can easily kill Japanese beetles which are made for eating the roots of plants in the same manner but with one addition that is small. Japanese beetles hate garlic so add hot pepper and garlic cloves into the solution that is pesticide-and-water. The additions that are new the solution will not impact the culling of regular beetles.

Hanging traps near plants where beetles generally converge is yet another real way to kill the insects. Empty these traps on a regular basis. The primary option to kill beetles, however, continues to be to quit them at their source. Any beetle larvae that are spotted when you look at the garden should immediately be destroyed. This will stop the beetle population from growing quickly.

How To Kill Mites in Soil

Soil Mites in Soil

How To Kill Mites in Plant Soil

Soil Mites in Soil


Beautiful plants may not be the only thing growing in your soil—it may also be the home to soil mites. If you’ve observed small, white dots walking across the top of your soil or along the edges of your plant’s pot, there’s a good possibility these mites have set up shop in your soil. According to the University of Illinois Extension, mites can range in size. Some mites are about the size of pinpoints, although others can get to up to 1/8-inch in diameter. Fortunately, mites are usually just nuisances and do not bother the plant; however, there are a few ways in which to remove the mites and let your plants be the only tenants in the soil.

Step 1
Clean and screen the soil. In accordance to the University of Illinois Extension, mites feed off of leaf mold, decaying plant materials and peat moss. For that reason, eliminating any waste in the soil will give the mites less to live on, which may lead to their removal.

Step 2
Re-pot your plant into sterile soil. In addition, make sure your pot is thoroughly clean and void of any soil or debris.

Step 3
Drench the plant’s roots to remove the old soil before placing it inside the new soils and pot. Although it is important to remove as much of the old dirt as possible, you must re-pot the plant quickly before its roots dry out or the plant could die.

Step 4
Apply insecticides that consist of pyrethrins to the soil. Note any dilution instructions and follow the directions on the label.

Battling Squash Bugs in Your Garden

Battling Squash Bugs in Your Garden

Gardening enthusiasts know that few things are as satisfying as growing your own vegetables. However, pests like squash bugs can quickly turn this joyful hobby into a frustrating challenge. If you’ve noticed your squash, zucchini, or pumpkins wilting and yellowing, these pests might be the culprits. Here’s how to identify, prevent, and manage squash bugs in your garden.

Identifying Squash Bugs

Squash bugs (Anasa tristis) are about 5/8 inch long, with a flat, shield-shaped body. They are typically dark brown or gray and emit a foul odor when crushed. Their eggs are reddish-brown, laid in clusters on the underside of leaves, and their nymphs are greenish to gray with black legs.

Signs of Infestation

  • Wilting Plants: One of the first signs of a squash bug infestation is wilting leaves, especially during the heat of the day.
  • Yellow Spots: Small yellow spots on leaves that eventually turn brown.
  • Egg Clusters: Check the undersides of leaves for clusters of small, bronze-colored eggs.
  • Visible Bugs: Adult and nymph squash bugs are often found hiding under leaves or near the base of the plant.

Prevention Tips

  1. Crop Rotation: Avoid planting squash in the same spot every year. Rotate crops to disrupt the life cycle of squash bugs.
  2. Companion Planting: Plant repellent plants like marigolds, nasturtiums, or tansy near your squash to deter pests.
  3. Clean Garden: Remove plant debris and weeds that can harbor squash bugs and other pests.
  4. Early Planting: Plant squash as early as possible. Older plants are more resistant to squash bug damage.

Management Strategies

  1. Handpicking: Regularly inspect plants and remove squash bugs by hand. Drop them into a bucket of soapy water to kill them.
  2. Neem Oil: Apply neem oil to infested plants. It acts as a repellent and disrupts the life cycle of the bugs.
  3. Diatomaceous Earth: Sprinkle diatomaceous earth around the base of your plants. This natural powder dehydrates and kills squash bugs.
  4. Row Covers: Use floating row covers to protect young plants, but remove them when flowers appear to allow pollination.
  5. Trap Crops: Plant a small section of your garden with a crop that attracts squash bugs, then destroy the infested plants.

Natural Predators

Encourage beneficial insects like tachinid flies, parasitic wasps, and ground beetles in your garden. These natural predators can help keep squash bug populations in check.

End of Season Cleanup

At the end of the growing season, remove and destroy all squash plant debris. This reduces the number of overwintering sites for adult squash bugs and helps minimize infestations in the following year.

By staying vigilant and employing a combination of these strategies, you can protect your garden from the detrimental effects of squash bugs and enjoy a bountiful harvest. Happy gardening! 🌱🌼

Feel free to share your own tips and experiences with squash bugs in the comments below!


Rosemary For Natural Pest Control

Rosemary for Natural Pest Control: Essential Oils and Herb Plants

Rosemary is not only admired for its aromatic presence in culinary endeavors but also for its efficacy in natural pest control. The strong scent of Rosemary, whether as an essential oil or as a plant, acts as a powerful deterrent for a variety of pests, including insects and small animals. This article explores how you can harness the properties of Rosemary in both forms to keep your home and garden pest-free.

Introduction to Rosemary Pest Control

Rosemary best for pest control

Essential Oil and Plant Properties

Rosemary, known for its strong and pungent aroma, is disliked by many pests. The essential oils contain compounds like cineole and camphor which are natural repellents.

Eco-Friendly Benefits

Using Rosemary for pest control offers a non-toxic, environmentally friendly alternative to chemical pesticides, reducing harm to the ecosystem and promoting a healthier home and garden environment..

Using Rosemary Essential Oil for Pest Control

Preparation fo Repellents

Diluting the Essential Oil: Mix a few drops of Rosemary essential oil with water and a small amount of mild soap, which helps the oil mix well with water. This mixture can be used in a spray bottle.
Direct Application: For stronger application, Rosemary oil can be applied directly to specific areas or cotton balls placed strategically to repel pests.

Targeting Household Pest

Ants and Cockroaches: Spray diluted Rosemary oil along entry points, walls, and floors where insects are frequently spotted.
Fleas and Ticks: Add Rosemary oil to pet shampoos or spray lightly on pet bedding to keep pests away from your pets without using harsh chemicals.

Safety Measures

Always test the oil on a small patch of skin or surface to ensure there is no adverse reaction, and use it sparingly, as the strong smell can be overwhelming.

Incorporating Rosemary Plants for Pest Control

Gardening with Rosemary

Strategic Planting: Plant Rosemary in your garden around the perimeter and near other plants that are susceptible to insect pests. Its strong scent helps mask the scents that attract pests to garden plants.
Companion Planting: Rosemary pairs well with vegetable plants like broccoli and beans, which are prone to pest attacks. It acts as a natural deterrent.

Care and Maintenance

Pruning: Regular pruning not only helps the plant grow thick and bushy but also ensures the strong scent remains potent, enhancing its repellent properties.
Watering and Soil Requirements: Rosemary prefers well-drained soil and doesn’t require frequent watering, making it quite low maintenance.

Harvesting for Use

Collecting Branches: Cut branches can be hung in problem areas or directly placed in the garden soil amongst other plants as a natural pest deterren

DIY Rosemary Repellent Recipes

Rosemary and Vinegar Spray

Mix 1 cup of chopped rosemary leaves with 2 cups of apple cider vinegar in a jar and let it steep for 1-2 weeks. Strain the mixture and use it as a spray for both indoor and outdoor pest control.

Rosemary Oil Blend for Larger Pests

To repel larger pests such as moths and rodents, blend Rosemary oil with peppermint oil. Apply this blend at entry points to prevent these pests from entering.

Refreshing Potpourri

Combine dry rosemary leaves with other pest-repellent herbs like lavender and mint to create a natural potpourri that keeps insects at bay while freshening the air.

All in All Truly Conclusion

Rosemary offers a plethora of options for natural pest control in both its oil form and as a robust herb plant. Its natural aromatic properties and versatility make it an excellent choice for those seeking eco-friendly pest solutions. Whether you are dealing with insects indoors or safeguarding your garden from pests, Rosemary stands out as a potent, natural, and safe choice. Embrace this herb and maintain a healthier, more natural environment around your living spaces.

How to Get Rid of Mice

Get Rid of Mice

To address a mouse problem, consider employing traps, deterrents, and, if necessary, poison. Acquiring a cat may also serve as a long-term solution. Prompt action is crucial due to the health risks posed by these rodents.

Mice seek out human residences for sustenance, warmth, and refuge. Their rapid reproduction and potential to carry diseases make them a concern.

These rodents can be destructive, gnawing on electrical wires, personal belongings, and even penetrating food storage, leading to contamination. The presence of mice is often indicated by their droppings, which are a health hazard due to the pathogens they carry.

Continue reading to learn strategies for eliminating mice from your dwelling and measures to prevent future infestations.

7 Tips to Help Get Rid of Mice

Mice, due to their diminutive size, can navigate narrow openings easily. It’s crucial to seal even the smallest cracks, like those measuring a quarter-inch, to prevent their entry.

Identifying the favored spots of mice in your house is key to eliminating them efficiently. Their distinctive black fecal pellets indicate their presence. Keep food away from these zones and store all edible items in chew-proof containers.

Once you’re aware of the mice’s haunts, consider these strategies to eradicate them:

1. Acquire a Cat:
If no family member has cat allergies, getting a cat can be the simplest way to eliminate mice. Alternatively, use cat litter in frequented areas as a deterrent, ensuring it’s out of reach of children.

2. Utilize Essential Oils:
Peppermint oil and clove oil have odors that repel mice. Soak cotton balls in these oils and place them in mouse-prone spots like drawers, cupboards, and entryways, though this method is more effective when combined with others.

3. Deploy Humane Traps:
These traps keep mice alive for release elsewhere. Position them in areas frequented by mice and check them each morning, as mice typically forage at night. Use enticing baits like peanut butter, cheese, or buttered popcorn.

Ensure to release captured mice at least a mile from your home, away from populated areas, and avoid direct contact to prevent potential diseases.

4. Experiment with Hot Pepper:
Avoid poisonous baits and opt for a concentrated hot pepper spray in areas inaccessible to children and pets but frequented by mice, such as under stoves or behind cabinets.

5. Construct DIY Humane Traps:
Crafty individuals can fashion simple live traps from household items, like using a bucket, stick, and plastic cup or a large glass balanced on a coin, baited with peanut butter.

6. Seal Cracks with Steel Wool:
Fill mouse-friendly gaps with steel wool, which they find impossible and unpleasant to chew.

7. Use Duct Tape as a Barrier:
Identify and cover entry points like pipes under sinks or wires at the back of cupboards with duct tape.

For severe infestations, humane trapping is ideal. Generally, traps are safer than poison for children and pets. However, in extreme cases posing risks to your family, consider spring traps or professional pest control for a quicker solution.

Mice Spread Disease

Mice are often regarded as small and endearing creatures, with some individuals choosing them as pets. However, the primary concern about mice entering your home is the potential for disease transmission. These diseases include:

1. Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome and Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis: Inhaling dust contaminated with mouse urine and droppings can lead to respiratory and neurological illnesses.

2. Leptospirosis: This bacterial infection can spread through water containing traces of infected animal urine, posing a risk to both humans and pets. If mice are present in your home, it’s advised to remove and clean pet water bowls nightly.

3. Salmonellosis: Caused by bacteria present in mouse feces, salmonellosis can affect individuals of all ages but poses a particular risk to children under 5 years old.

4. Plague, Typhoid, and Pox (Rickettsial Infections): Diseases such as plague, typhoid, and certain pox infections can be transmitted by mouse fleas and mites. While treatments are available, prevention is key by minimizing contact with mice and their excretions.

Mice leave urine and feces during their nightly activities, necessitating thorough cleaning of areas they frequent. When encountering heavily contaminated areas, wear a mask and gloves while cleaning, and practice diligent hand hygiene afterward to reduce the risk of disease transmission through direct contact or accidental ingestion.

Prevent More Infestations

The best way to prevent mice infestations is to keep your home clean. Here are some tips:

  • Make it a rule that all eating happens at the table.
  • Store food items such as grains, seeds, beans, and flour in glass or metal containers.
  • Wipe eating and cooking surfaces at the end of the day. Vacuum up any bits of food that fall on the floor, under furniture, and around appliances.
  • Remove your pet’s food bowl after meals and seal pet food bags

Conclusion Facts

Mice carry diseases, so it’s important to take immediate action. Their rapid rate of reproduction makes controlling an infestation more difficult the longer you delay. Use traps and deterrents to eliminate mice from your home promptly.

The duration to eradicate mice can vary depending on the severity of the infestation, ranging from a day to a couple of weeks. During this trapping period, ensure thorough cleaning of surfaces that mice might climb on at night to reduce health risks.

16 Smells Rats Hate

Rats can be a nuisance when they invade your home, seeking shelter and food. Aside from inhumane traps, strong scents can be an effective solution to combat minor rat issues in your house. These smells can be used in areas around the home where rats are likely to nest, and they can help keep them away. Rats have a heightened sense of smell, so many scents that seem mild to us can be potent to them. This ultimately makes certain aromas great rat repellents.

Whether you are a homeowner looking to keep rats away or you own a pet rat and want to avoid offending him, here’s a list of the top 16 smells rats hate the most.


  1. Peppermint

Peppermint Essential Oils for pest control

The invigorating smell of peppermint oil might be pleasant for you, but rats dislike it. The more potent the peppermint oil, the more it will irritate a rat’s nasal passages. Peppermint oils are a great natural repellent for rats and when used appropriately, can help keep rats away from certain parts of your home.

It’s recommended to use pure peppermint oil that hasn’t been diluted. You can soak cotton balls in the oil and leave them in nooks and crannies rats may frequent.

  1. Mothballs

Mothballs for pest control

Mothballs are an old-school method used to repel moths. The strong chemical smell they give off also makes them effective repellent for rats, but it is also toxic to them. This is because mothballs contain active ingredients like paradichlorobenzene or naphthalene, which are fumigants toxic to both animals and people. For this reason, mothballs should never be used incorrectly, as they can be hazardous to our health, our pets, and the environment.

  1. Garlic
Garlic for Pest control rats

Many rats despise the smell and taste of garlic, including the plant itself. This means that you can use garlic cloves to repel rats. However, garlic is more potent when the cloves have been broken up to release the potent, lingering smell. Keep in mind that if you do use garlic to repel rats, you might also begin smelling the garlic, depending on where you placed it.



  1. Household Ammonia

Bleach for Pest control

Many of the cleaning products that we use in our homes contain ammonium ions which rats hate. The smell of ammonia is too strong for a rat’s respiratory system to handle, making it an effective repellent. Certain cleaning products will have a higher ammonia concentration than others, and rats do not like the pungent smell it gives off.

  1. Clove Oil

Clove Oil for pest

The strong smell of clove oil is hated by rats, so it can be used as a repellent. It is also a great chemical-free solution that helps keep rats away from certain parts of your home. You can either soak cotton balls in clove oil and leave them in small spaces, or you can crush up the dried flower buds to release the strong smell.

  1. Cayenne Pepper

Pepper for pest control

Both the taste and smell of cayenne pepper (or any chilis) are an irritation to rats. Most rats will avoid any spicy things containing capsaicin, which can be used as a natural rat repellent. Rats especially avoid the powder form since it can cause a burning sensation when inhaled or ingested. You can find cayenne pepper, including powder form, in many grocery stores.

  1. Citronella

Citronella Insect Repellent


Rats generally hate citronella, which is often used to control mosquitos and certain insects. Burning citronella candles doesn’t seem to do much in terms of rat repelling, but the spray or oil form may keep them away. The strong citronella smell is overwhelming to a rat’s heightened sense of smell, so they try to avoid it.

  1. Citrus Oil

Citrus for rodent repellant

Rats dislike any strong citrus smells and tastes. This includes the refreshing smell of lemons, grapefruit, and oranges in an essential oil form. Rats will try to avoid entering areas with an overpowering citrus smell. The smell of lemon or orange juice may not be as overpowering to a rat’s keen senses, which is why essential citrus oils are a better option. In a pure and concentrated form, citrus oils work well at naturally repelling rats, and they don’t smell bad like some other natural rat repellents.


  1. Bleach

Bleach for Pest control

Rodents hate the strong ammonia smell from household bleach. This smell is overpowering to a rat’s respiratory system, which gives it a repelling effect. Bleach is also irritating to a rat’s eyes and nose if they sniff it, so most rats won’t come near areas reeking of bleach. You can use a solution of bleach and water to repel rats in small runways.

However, you should take the proper safety measures. Bleach may also cause staining and damage to certain surfaces, so use it wisely.

  1. Vinegar

Vinegar for pest control

White vinegar is a cheap and effective deterrent, but you’ll have to keep reapplying it.

The strong smell of white vinegar is irritating to a rat’s senses. Use it in a concentrated form since diluted vinegar might not work as well. If you are looking to repel rats with vinegar, soaking cotton balls in a vinegar solution and placing them in constricted areas could work. When the smell eventually wears off, you will need to replace the cotton balls.

  1. Eucalyptus oil

Eucalypptus Oil to prevent rats

Many strong-smelling essential oils like eucalyptus are hated by rats. Although they may smell pleasant to us, it’s way too strong for rats to handle. This study found eucalyptus oil to be effective at repelling both male and female rats. Eucalyptus essential oils work the best since they contain the highest concentrations of eucalyptol. Dipping cotton balls in eucalyptus oil and placing them in small areas of the home can help keep rodents outside where they belong.

  1. Coffee grounds

Coffea grounds to prevent rats

The uplifting smell of coffee doesn’t seem to have the same effect on rats. Rats generally don’t like any strong coffee smells or food that contains caffeine. However, coffee doesn’t seem to be great at repelling rats. It is typically just a smell they don’t like and will avoid eating foods that taste or smell like coffee.

  1. Raw Onions

Raw Onions to repel rats

The pungent smell of raw onions and its juice is gross to rats. It can even cause irritation to their nasal passages and eyes. This is mainly because onions contain propyl sulfoxide that is released when the onion is sliced open.

  1. Black Pepper

Pepper for pest control

Anyone who’s accidentally snuck their nose in a container of black pepper knows it can make you sneeze. Black pepper is particularly irritating to a rat’s nasal passages, and large amounts of black pepper can act as a repellent to rats. A rat is unlikely to stay in an area where with an irritating smell because it disrupts their ability to sniff out edible foods.

  1. Lavender Oils

Lavender Oil to repel rodents and insects

Lavender is another essential oil that can be used to repel rats due to its overpowering smell. The strong aroma from concentrated lavender oils is enough to stop any rat from nesting or approaching certain parts of your home. You can use lavender oil to naturally repel rats by placing soaked cotton balls in small areas where rats are likely to roam.

While it is known that lavender oils may repel rats if the scent is strong enough, more evidence is still needed to decide how lavender oils can affect rats and their behaviors. What we do know is that rats seem to hate strong lavender smells.

  1. Sage

Sage used to repel insects and rodents

Sage is a perennial herb that rats hate. However, this herb might not be effective as a repellent, even though rats generally avoid areas smelling of sage. Both green and white sage is disliked by rats, so you could place crushed leaves or sage oil in small crevices and cracks to potentially repel them.

Get Rid of Mosquitoes Naturally?

Get Rid of Mosquitoes naturally!

Mosquito Bites, how to get rid of mosquitoes, mosquito repellent

Hey there, backyard enthusiasts! Picture this: a perfect summer day spent lounging in your outdoor oasis with family and friends, soaking up the sunshine, and enjoying some well-deserved relaxation. Sounds like paradise, right? Well, until those pesky mosquitoes come along to crash the party. Suddenly, you find yourself swatting and shooing these annoying pests away, turning your backyard bliss into a battle zone.

But before you reach for the phone to call in the cavalry (aka a professional pest-control company), hold your horses. Sure, it may seem like a convenient solution, especially when they promise eco-friendly or all-natural methods. But here’s the kicker: those sprays they use to zap mosquitoes? They might just end up doing more harm than good.

Let’s break it down. You see, more than 80 percent of plant communities rely on pollinators like bees, butterflies, beetles, and hummingbirds to reproduce. Meet Robert Allen, owner of Truly Green Pest Control in Kansas City. According to him, if you wave goodbye to all those pollinators in your yard, you could be in for a rough ride. Your veggie garden might produce fewer goodies, and your flowering bushes might decide to skip the blooming party next year. Talk about a buzzkill, right?

But here’s the kicker: mosquitoes, annoying as they may be, actually serve a purpose in the ecosystem. You heard that right! Their eggs, chilling out in standing water, are a tasty treat for fish and macroinvertebrates. And once those little buggers hatch, they become prime dining for birds, frogs, bats, and more. It’s a wild world out there, folks.

So, how do we navigate this conundrum? How do we keep those bloodsucking pests at bay without sending our friendly pollinators packing? Fear not, backyard warriors, for we’ve got a few tricks up our sleeves:

First up, let’s talk about standing water. It turns out, female mosquitoes lay their eggs in the stuff. By dumping out anything that collects water (think buckets, birdbaths, kiddie pools), you’ll leave those mosquito larvae high and dry.

Next on the agenda? Bti, a handy little bacterium that targets mosquito larvae without laying a finger on other organisms. It’s like magic in a bottle, folks. Just follow the directions on the label, and you’re good to go.

But why stop there? Let’s bring in some reinforcements from Mother Nature herself. Planting natural mosquito repellents like bee balm, marigolds, and lavender can work wonders in keeping those pesky bugs at bay. Plus, they’ll add a pop of color to your backyard paradise.

And let’s not forget about our feathered friends! Some birds are natural mosquito predators, so why not roll out the welcome mat? Install a birdhouse or two and watch as your backyard heroes swoop in to save the day.

But hey, if all else fails, and your backyard feels more like a mosquito metropolis, it might be time to call in the big guns. Just make sure you do your homework and choose a pest-control company that prioritizes minimizing harm to our beloved pollinators.

So, there you have it, folks. Say goodbye to those backyard buzzkills and hello to a summer filled with sunshine, laughter, and mosquito-free fun. After all, there’s nothing quite like kicking back and relaxing in your own little slice of paradise.

Call Today for a Mosquito evaluation

The Best Way To Get Rid Of Clover Mites

Your Guide to Getting Rid of Clover Mites

Clover Mites in window seals

Hey there, fellow homeowners and nature lovers! Are you tired of those annoying clover mites invading your home and causing chaos on your window seals? Well, you’re in luck because today, we’re diving deep into the world of clover mites and uncovering the best ways to bid them farewell for good.

First things first, let’s talk about what exactly clover mites are. These little critters, scientifically known as Bryobia praetiosa, are tiny arachnids that measure less than a millimeter in length. Despite their small size, they can quickly become a big nuisance, especially when they decide to make themselves at home in your house.

So, what’s the deal with clover mites and window seals? Well, these little guys love basking in the sun, and what better place to soak up some rays than on a warm window seal? Plus, they’re attracted to vegetation, so if you have plants near your windows, you might find yourself with an unwelcome clover mite infestation.


Now that we know who we’re dealing with, let’s talk about how to kick these tiny pests to the curb. Here are some tried and tested methods for getting rid of clover mites:

  1. Seal Up Cracks and Gaps: Clover mites can squeeze through even the smallest of openings, so it’s essential to seal up any cracks or gaps around your windows and doors. Use caulk or weatherstripping to close off these entry points and prevent clover mites from finding their way indoors.

  2. Keep Your Home Clean: Clover mites are attracted to dust and debris, so keeping your home clean and tidy can help deter them from taking up residence. Vacuum and dust your window seals, baseboards, and other areas where clover mites like to hang out regularly to keep them at bay.

  3. Trim Vegetation: Since clover mites feed on plant sap, trimming vegetation around your home can help reduce their food source and discourage them from sticking around. Pay special attention to plants near your windows and doors, as these are common entry points for clover mites.

  4. Use Natural Repellents: There are several natural repellents that can help keep clover mites away from your home. Peppermint oil, cedar oil, and diatomaceous earth are all effective options that won’t harm pets or children. Simply apply these repellents to your window seals and other areas where clover mites tend to gather to deter them from hanging around.

  5. Professional Pest Control: If you’ve tried everything and still can’t seem to get rid of clover mites, it may be time to call in the professionals. Pest control experts have the knowledge and experience to effectively eliminate clover mites from your home using targeted treatments that are safe and environmentally friendly.

In conclusion, dealing with clover mites can be a frustrating experience, but with the right approach, you can banish these tiny pests from your home for good. By sealing up cracks and gaps, keeping your home clean, trimming vegetation, using natural repellents, and enlisting the help of professional pest control if needed, you can enjoy a clover mite-free living environment. So, say goodbye to those pesky critters and hello to clear window seals once againz

Clover Mites in your Window today 816-377-2811

Roaches In Apartments

How To Get Rid of Roaches in Your apartment

How to get rid of roaches

Roaches are one of the oldest life forms known to man. They have certainly pass the test of time. Adaptability is one of their strengths and will always comeback for more. Roaches are a common household pest that can quickly become an infestation if not dealt with promptly. Identifying the source of roaches is crucial to effectively eliminating them from your home or apartment.

Although we are talking about roaches in residential settings, restaurants, hotels, hospitals and offices are not immune to roach infestations too.

If you live in an apartment then you may have roaches sooner or later. That’s part of apartment life. Apartments can house over 200 units and not everyone may not be as clean as you. While one unit is clean the next unit may be dirty and have a constant battle with roaches. If any of your neighbors have roaches in their apartment then you run the risk of roach encroachment from your neighbor.

Getting rid of roaches in an apartment can be challenging, but it is possible with some persistence and the right approach. Here are some steps you can take:

How To Get Rid of Roaches Quickly and Safely

Identify the Problem Areas: Begin by identifying the areas where the roaches are most commonly seen. This could be in the kitchen, bathroom, or other areas with a lot of moisture.


  1. Seal Up Entry Points: Look for any cracks or openings where roaches might be entering the apartment and seal them up with caulk or another appropriate sealant.


  1. Keep the Apartment Clean: Roaches are attracted to food and water, so it’s important to keep your apartment clean and free of crumbs and spills. Make sure to sweep and vacuum regularly and keep all food stored in airtight containers.


  1. Use Traps: Place roach traps in areas where you have seen roaches. These traps will attract the roaches and then trap them, making it easier to remove them from your apartment.


  1. Use Insecticides: If you continue to have a problem with roaches, you may need to use insecticides. There are many different types available, so it’s best to consult with a pest control professional to determine which one is right for your situation.


  1. Contact a Pest Control Professional: If the problem persists, it may be time to contact a Truly Green Pest Control. They will be able to assess the situation and develop a plan to get rid of the roaches in your apartment.


By following these steps and being persistent, you should be able to get rid of roaches in your apartment.


Ants Come Out in Spring

Why Do Ants show up in Early Spring?


Ants become more active in spring for several reasons:

  1. Temperature and Activity: Ants are ectothermic, meaning their body temperature depends on the external environment. During the winter, cold temperatures cause ants to slow down and become dormant. As spring arrives and temperatures rise, ants become more energetic and active again1.

  2. Food Availability: Spring provides ants with abundant food sources. While they primarily feed on sweet substances like honeysuckle found in nature, if they discover easily accessible sugary food in your home, they’ll march in, take it, and head back outdoors to relish it2.

  3. Shelter and Water: Ants seek shelter from the hot sun and spring rains by entering human homes. Your house, with its warmth at night and readily available food and water resources, becomes an attractive destination for these tiny explorers3.

So, when you see ants scurrying around in spring, it’s because they’re on a mission to thrive and expand their colonies! 

Identifying Ant Infestations

Identifying an ant infestation involves recognizing specific signs.





Here’s what to look for:







  1. Visible Ants: If you spot live ants crawling around your home, it’s a clear indication of an ant problem12. They are often found in kitchens or areas where food is prepared.

  2. Ant Trails: Ants leave behind pheromone trails as they move. These trails appear as lines of ants marching in a straight path, leading to and from food sources13.

  3. Ant Nests: Ant nests can resemble small piles of soil or dirt. Some ant species prefer nesting in walls or other quiet, dark places, making them harder to spot1.

  4. Dirt Piles: Small piles of dirt around nest sites are indicative of an ant infestation1.

  5. Discarded Wings: If you find discarded wings around windows and doors, it could be a sign of ants swarming and establishing new colonies3.

  6. Unusual Sounds: Ants may invade walls and voids in your home. Carpenter ants, in particular, can be noisy when excavating4.

  7. Musty Odor: Certain ant species, like odorous or citronella ants, emit a distinct musty scent4.

Remember, early detection allows for prompt action to control the infestation. If you suspect an ant problem, consider seeking professional pest control assistance. 🐜🔍


How to Get Rid of Gnats

How to Get Rid of Gnats & How to get rid of Them

Gnats in your kitchen

Gnats are annoying little insects that can invade your home and make your life miserable. They are attracted to moisture, organic matter, and sweet or fermented smells. Here are some tips on how to get rid of them and prevent them from coming back.

– Identify the source of the infestation. Gnats can breed in drains, garbage disposals, trash cans, overwatered plants, fruits, vegetables, and other places where there is decaying organic matter. Check these areas and clean them thoroughly. Dispose of any rotten food or plant material and dry out any wet spots.
– Use vinegar traps. Fill a small jar or bowl with apple cider vinegar and add a few drops of dish soap. The vinegar will lure the gnats and the soap will break the surface tension, causing them to drown. Place the traps near the infested areas and replace them every few days.
– Use sticky traps. You can buy yellow sticky traps from a garden center or make your own by coating yellow cardboard with honey or petroleum jelly. The color and the smell will attract the gnats and they will get stuck on the trap. Hang the traps near the infested areas and change them when they are full.
– Use insecticides. If the infestation is severe, you may need to use a chemical spray to kill the gnats. Choose a product that is labeled for indoor use and follow the instructions carefully. Spray the infested areas and any cracks or crevices where the gnats may hide. Be careful not to inhale the spray or get it on your skin or eyes.
– Prevent future infestations. To keep gnats away from your home, you need to eliminate their food sources and breeding grounds. Keep your kitchen and bathroom clean and dry, especially the sinks and drains. Store your fruits and vegetables in the fridge or in sealed containers. Avoid overwatering your plants and remove any dead leaves or stems. Empty your trash cans regularly and use a lid or a bag to cover them.

Different Traps To Use for Gnats

Gnats are irritating little insects that can infest your home and bother you. They are drawn to moisture, organic matter, and sweet or fermented smells. Here are some other types of traps to get rid of them and keep them away.

– Locate the source of the problem. Gnats can breed in drains, garbage disposals, trash cans, overwatered plants, fruits, vegetables, and other places where there is decaying organic matter. Check these areas and clean them properly. Dispose of any rotten food or plant material and dry out any wet spots.
– Make wine traps. Fill a small jar or bowl with red wine and add a few drops of dish soap. The wine will entice the gnats and the soap will make them sink, causing them to drown. Place the traps near the problem areas and replace them every few days.
– Make fruit traps. Cut a ripe banana or apple into small pieces and place them in a jar or bowl. Cover the jar or bowl with plastic wrap and poke some small holes in it. The fruit will attract the gnats and they will get trapped inside. Place the traps near the problem areas and replace them when they are full.
– Use diatomaceous earth. Diatomaceous earth is a natural substance made from fossilized algae that can kill gnats and other insects by dehydrating them. You can sprinkle some diatomaceous earth around the problem areas and any cracks or crevices where the gnats may hide. Be careful not to inhale the dust or get it on your skin or eyes.
– Prevent future infestations. To keep gnats away from your home, you need to eliminate their food sources and breeding grounds. Keep your kitchen and bathroom clean and dry, especially the sinks and drains. Store your fruits and vegetables in the fridge or in sealed containers. Avoid overwatering your plants and remove any dead leaves or stems. Empty your trash cans regularly and use a lid or a bag to cover them.


Top Ten Essential Oils to Prevent Pests

Ten Essential Oils for Pests Control

Peppermint Essential Oils for pest control

Top Ten Essential oils for pests control

  1. Peppermint:

    Peppermint oil is a potent insect repellent, particularly for spiders, ants, and mosquitoes. Its refreshing scent is pleasing to humans but repulsive to many pests. Dilute a few drops of peppermint oil with water and spray it in areas prone to infestations.
  2. Lavender Oil:

    Lavender is well-known for its calming aroma, but insects dislike its fragrance. Use lavender oil to ward off mosquitoes, flies, moths, and other pests. Place lavender oil-infused sachets in closets or drawers, or add a few drops to a diffuser.
  3. Eucalyptus Oil:

    Eucalyptus oil has a strong, minty scent that repels a variety of pests, including mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas. Mix eucalyptus oil with a carrier oil and apply it to your skin as a natural insect repellent, or diffuse it indoors to deter pests.
  4. Tea Tree Oil:

    Tea tree oil possesses antiseptic properties and acts as a natural insecticide. It’s effective against ants, spiders, and other household pests. Combine tea tree oil with water and spray it on surfaces or use it to wipe down areas where pests frequent.
  5. Citronella Oil:

    Citronella is a well-known insect repellent, commonly found in candles. The oil, extracted from lemongrass, is effective against mosquitoes and other flying insects. Use citronella oil in outdoor diffusers or add a few drops to homemade candles.
  6. Cedarwood Oil:

    Cedarwood has natural insect-repelling properties, making it effective against moths, fleas, and ticks. Place cedarwood oil-infused cotton balls in closets or drawers, or use it in a diffuser to protect clothing and living spaces from pests.
  7. Rosemary Oil:

    Rosemary oil has a woody and herbal scent that pests find unappealing. It is effective against mosquitoes, flies, and beetles. Create a DIY insect repellent by mixing rosemary oil with a carrier oil and applying it to exposed skin.
  8. Cinnamon Oil:

    Cinnamon oil has antimicrobial properties and can repel ants, mosquitoes, and other insects. Create a spray by diluting cinnamon oil with water and use it to clean surfaces or spray in areas where pests are a problem.
  9. Lemon Oil:

    Lemon oil, derived from the peel of lemons, has a fresh and uplifting scent that pests dislike. Use lemon oil to deter ants, mosquitoes, and spiders. Add a few drops to a cleaning solution or diffuse it in your home.
  10. Thyme Oil:

    Thyme oil contains thymol, a natural insecticide. It is effective against mosquitoes, ticks, and flies. Dilute thyme oil with a carrier oil and apply it to your skin as a natural insect repellent or use it in a diffuser.
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