What are thief ants?

Thief Ant

Ant seeking way home on a flower among the drops, macro

Thief ants (Solenopsis molesta) are a small species of ants that are known for their habit of stealing food and brood from other ant colonies. They are commonly found in North America, particularly in the eastern and southeastern regions, and are often considered a nuisance pest.

Thief ants are very small, usually less than 1/16 inch in length, and are pale yellow to light brown in color. They have two-segmented antennae and a distinctive heart-shaped abdomen. They are similar in appearance to other species of Solenopsis ants, such as fire ants, but are much smaller and less aggressive.

Thief ants are not considered dangerous to humans, as they do not have a venomous sting and are not known to transmit diseases. However, they can be a nuisance pest in homes and other buildings, as they will scavenge for food and can contaminate stored food products. They are also known to invade and damage electrical equipment, as they are attracted to the warmth and electrical impulses.

Thief ants are often controlled through a combination of sanitation measures, such as keeping food storage areas clean and sealed, and the use of insecticides or bait stations. It is important to consult with a pest control professional to determine the most effective method of control for your specific situation.

Size and Color

Thief ants (Solenopsis molesta) are very small ants, typically less than 1/16 inch in length. They are pale yellow to light brown in color and have a distinctive heart-shaped abdomen. They are similar in appearance to other species of Solenopsis ants, such as fire ants, but are much smaller and less aggressive.

Thief Ant Facts

Here are some facts about thief ants (Solenopsis molesta):

  1. Thief ants are also known as grease ants, because they are attracted to and feed on greasy or oily foods.

  2. These ants are social insects and live in colonies that can contain thousands of individuals.

  3. Thief ants are not very aggressive and do not have a painful sting like some other ant species.

  4. They are known for their habit of stealing food and brood from other ant colonies. They will also scavenge for food and can contaminate stored food products.

  5. Thief ants are found in North America, particularly in the eastern and southeastern regions, but can also be found in other parts of the world.

  6. They are often considered a nuisance pest in homes and other buildings, where they can invade food storage areas and damage electrical equipment.

  7. Thief ants are controlled through a combination of sanitation measures, such as keeping food storage areas clean and sealed, and the use of insecticides or bait stations.

  8. While thief ants are not considered dangerous to humans, they can be a nuisance and cause damage to property.

  9. In some cases, thief ants have been known to form supercolonies, which can make them difficult to control.

  10. Like other ant species, thief ants communicate through the use of pheromones, which are chemical signals used to coordinate activities within the colony.