Cockroach Types and Facts

Cockroaches are pretty big bugs, sometimes more than 50 mm (2 in) long. They usually live in warm places, so you’ll find bigger ones in the tropics. They have six legs and two antennae, and some of them can even fly. But don’t worry, they’re not very good at it. They have a flat, oval shape and a greasy feel. They can be hot or cold, depending on where they are. If you have cockroaches in your house, good luck finding them. They’re experts at hiding, and their eggs can survive most of the stuff you buy to kill them. You need special tools, materials, and skills to get rid of them for good.
Want to know more about how a cockroach looks? Click here.
Cockroach Infestations
Signs of Cockroach Infestation
Seeing live cockroaches, especially during the daytime. Cockroaches are nocturnal insects, so if you see them in the daytime, it may indicate a heavy infestation.
While cockroaches are omnivores with a diet that includes both plants and meat, there have been documented instances of them consuming human flesh. However, it is more common for them to nibble on areas such as fingernails, eyelashes, feet, and hands.
Cockroach Feces
The presence of cockroach droppings is a clear indication of an infestation. The amount of visible feces often serves as a reliable indicator of the extent or duration of the roach infestation.
Cockroach Infestation in Your Apartment
Eradicating cockroaches from an apartment necessitates a collaborative approach involving property management, tenants, and the expertise of pest control professionals.
Where Do Cockroaches Live?
A cockroach is able to survive almost anywhere that food, water and shelter are available, and can most commonly be found around food prep areas, inside cabinets, under sinks, in or around garbage cans and in cool, dark spaces like cellars.
Cockroach Pest Control
Cockroach Foggers
Also called cockroach bombs, foggers are a form of pest control that releases a mist of pesticides into the air and unfortunately, isn’t the most effective at getting rid of roaches.
Cockroach Gel Bait
Often ineffective for several reasons, this method works by enticing cockroaches to eat gel bait that contains an insecticide.
Boric Acid and Cockroaches
Using boric acid on cockroaches can work, but correct application is key and improper use in a home can also cause several problems.
Cockroach Traps
While traps are great for helping to identify and monitor a cockroach problem, they are not effective at controlling and getting rid of an entire roach infestation.
Can Mothballs Repel Pests?
Mothballs aren’t an effective cockroach control option for long-term use.
Does Vinegar Repel Cockroaches?
Although it can be used for fruit fly infestations, vinegar does not repel roaches.
Cockroach Facts
Scientific Name for Cockroach
Under the Kingdom Animalia, cockroaches belong to the Phylum Arthropoda, Class Insecta, and Order Blattodea. The Order name is derived from the Greek blatta.
What Do Cockroaches Eat
As omnivorous scavengers, cockroaches will consume any organic food source available to them, with a preference for sweets, meats and starches. They are also known to consume other items such as hair, books and decaying matter.
Largest Cockroach
Although several cockroach species are considered giant, the most well-known are the Madagascar hissing cockroaches and the rhinoceros cockroaches.
Cockroach Predators
Cockroaches play a vital role in the ecosystem and serve as a food source for a handful of predators like toads and frogs, mice and shrews and other insects or arachnids.
Cockroach Activity
Most active at night, cockroaches are often found in dark, warm and moist areas inside houses, hotels and restaurants and are social insects that usually live in groups.
Cockroach Anatomy
Learn about the anatomical makeup of a cockroach and what makes their body so unique for a variety of habitats.
Cockroach Identification
Green Cockroaches
Discover some helpful tips for homeowners who want to prevent green cockroach infestations.
Sand Cockroaches
Considering how little is known about the damage sand cockroaches can do, residents should remove any they may find.
Surinam Cockroaches
Prevent cockroach issues by following these helpful tips to prevent this common plant pest from entering your home or garden.
Wood Cockroaches
Follow these helpful tips for preventing an infestation of wood cockroaches in or around your home.
What Do Cockroaches Look Like?
Cockroaches have flat, oval-shaped bodies and a small head with a shield-like cover.
Difference Between a Water Bug and a Cockroach
While there are a few physical discrepancies, one main difference is that although cockroaches gather in warm, moist areas, they are not aquatic like true waterbugs.
Difference between a Cockroach and a Palmetto Bug
The term “palmetto bug” is a general name commonly used to refer to several species of cockroaches in the southern U.S. and even some beetles.
Bugs That Look Like Roaches But Aren’t
Learn about the top lookalike pests that are commonly mistaken for cockroaches.
Types of Cockroaches
Cockroaches have existed for millions of years, and there are thousands of cockroach types throughout the world today, including the main roaches we most commonly come across.
Lifecycle of a Cockroach
Cockroach Eggs
Female cockroaches produce egg cases, known as oothecae, which hatch within 24 to 38 days of being laid.
Cockroach Nymphs
Known as nymphs, baby cockroaches are bright white and darken with each progressive molt. The nymphal development to adulthood ranges in length from months to over a year.
Cockroach Gestation
Cockroach “gestation” begins when a female specimen creates an ootheca, or an egg case, which contains a number of eggs.
Cockroach Stages
Cockroaches undergo egg and nymphal stages before becoming adults. The average adult cockroach lifespan is about a year, depending on their species.
Can We Help Orkin Rid Our Home of Roaches?
While your home is being treated for roaches, there’s a few ways you can help get rid of roaches, including sealing gaps and cracks in your home, and maintaining a clean environment.
Is One Cockroach a Sign of Infestation?
While one roach isn’t always a sign of a hidden infestation, it is a sign that a cockroach infestation may develop without help from an Orkin Pro.
How Much Does Cockroach Treatment Cost?
Determining the cost of cockroach treatment will depend on the size of the infestation. A full inspection from an Orkin Pro will help determine the cost.
How Long Does it Take to Get Rid of Roaches?
Several factors may affect how long it takes to get rid of roaches, including the size of the infestation, the state of the environment, and which pest treatment techniques the cockroach exterminator uses.
How Long Does it Take for Cockroaches to Die After Roach Exterminator Visits?
Depending on the size and species of a roach infestation, it might take one or more visits from your Orkin Pro to get rid of cockroaches in your home.
Cockroach pest control
Cockroach Foggers
Also called cockroach bombs, foggers are a form of pest control that releases a mist of pesticides into the air and unfortunately, isn’t the most effective at getting rid of roaches.
Cockroach Gel Bait
Often ineffective for several reasons, this method works by enticing cockroaches to eat gel bait that contains an insecticide.
Boric Acid and Cockroaches
Using boric acid on cockroaches can work, but correct application is key and improper use in a home can also cause several problems.
Cockroach Traps
While traps are great for helping to identify and monitor a cockroach problem, they are not effective at controlling and getting rid of an entire roach infestation.
Can Mothballs Repel Pests?
Mothballs aren’t an effective cockroach control option for long-term use.
Does Vinegar Repel Cockroaches?
Although it can be used for fruit fly infestations, vinegar does not repel roaches.