Ants Come Out in Spring
Don’t Let Carpenter Ants Destroy Your Home: Look Out for These Signs of Damage Carpenter ants, those persistent insects, can become a homeowner’s worst nightmare. Their destructive habits have the potential to wreak havoc and cause extensive harm to your beloved home’s very structure, leaving it vulnerable and weakened. As a vigilant homeowner, it is
Unraveling the Mysteries of Ant Colonies: More Than Just a Picnic Nuisance Ants, those tiny six-legged creatures we often spot marching in neat lines at picnics, are more than just pesky intruders seeking a snack. They’re the architects of a fascinating social phenomenon known as ant colonies. These bustling communities are like mini-cities hidden beneath
Asian Needle Ant: A Growing Threat to Biodiversity and Human Health The Asian needle ant is a type of ant that comes from Asia, but has also been found in some parts of the United States. It is an invasive species that can harm the environment and people. It likes to live in dark and
Carpenter ants are a common pest in many households. They are called carpenter ants because they build their nests in wood. They do not eat the wood, but rather excavate it to create their nests
How To Tell Ants Apart from each other There are many different species of ants, each with its own unique characteristics. Here are some of the most common ant species and some ways to tell them apart from each other: Carpenter Ants (Camponotus spp.): Characteristics: Larger ants with a single node between their thorax and
Effective Ant Prevention Strategies For Kansas City Property Owner Related Article: How to Get Rid of Ants A large number of different species of ants are present in Kansas City. March through October is when the ant activity occurs the most. however, they are extremely opportunistic and can relocate indoors to remain all through the year. Ants
Ants In My Kitchen This has been a very cold winter here in the midwest. Especially here in Kansas City. You might think during that the cold spell we just had … what could possibly live. Temperatures were below zero for weeks! Well not very much, however, Ants will survive. They burrow down deeper to
Ant Stings and Bites Ant stings with many different types of ants have been known to bite, the main reactions are bought on due to the sting and the ensuing injectant of t the sting. Additionally, harvester ants and fire ants can pose a medical threat because their target is stung multiple times and
How To Identify & Control Ants What do ants look like? Ants are fascinating creatures that belong to the insect order Hymenoptera and the family Formicidae. With over 12,000 known species, ants are incredibly diverse in appearance, behavior, and habitat. Despite this diversity, they share several common physical characteristics. Firstly, ants are typically small insects,